Freshman Seminars Faculty


Anderson, Sarah
FRS 110 Getting Even- The Plots and Principles of Revenge


Beissinger, Margaret 
FRS 163 "Once upon a time . . ." Magic Tales and their Meanings

Bendixen, Alfred       
FRS 111 Exploring the Graphic Novel

Bhatt, Swati   
FRS 172 Origins of Modern Communication and the Principles of Innovation

Buher, Andrew         
FRS 101 Get your kicks

Buzaaba, Happy        
FRS 159 Teaching Computers to Understand African Languages


Caddeau, Patrick
FRS 192 Pure Land: Japan's Path to a Sustainable Future

Carr-Lemke, Tara       
FRS 191 Do Sanctuary Spaces Matter in Contemporary Immigrant Rights Work?

Carson, Purcell           
FRS 124 Tough Subjects: Documentary Film and Discord

Cervantes-Perez, Nadia        
FRS 152 Translating Mesoamerica

Champy, Flora
FRS 190 Reasons to Believe: Religions of Enlightenment

Chances, Ellen 
FRS 121 What Makes for a Meaningful Life? A Search


Darwish, Anthar        
FRS 109 The Kitchen Lab: Food and Health

de Swaan, Jean-Christophe   
FRS 149 Ethics in Finance

Del Vecchio, Jessica    
FRS 128 Feminism and Popular Culture

Dun, James     
FRS 179 Before Hamilton: Power and History


Edwards, Mark         
FRS 112 Imprisoned Minds: Religion and Philosophy from Jail


Fellbaum, Christiane 
FRS 116 The Evolution of Human Language

Feng, Vivian (Zengqi)
FRS 114 The Glass Class

Flowers, Erin  
FRS 155 The Oldest Science: An Overview of Ancient Astronomy Around the World

Font, Vivia     
FRS 173 Respuesta Teatral: Social & Political Performance Inspirations from Latin America

Fratto, Elena  
FRS 197 American and Russian Science Fiction: Story-Worlds in Dialogue


Georges, Penelope     
FRS 127 Body Builders: Living Systems as Art Media

Gregory, Eric  
FRS 118 Who Is My Neighbor?

Gu, Helen (Yijun)    
FRS 139 The Coming of Driverless Cars

Guelzo, Allen 
FRS 130 Contours of American Thought


Hailey, Christopher  
FRS 135 Sound Design and the Moving Image: The Multi-Layered Language of Film

Hauser , Iris     
FRS 161 Harmonizing Resistance: Music's Power in the Americas

Haynes, Shannon
FRS 115 Decomposing the Science of Composting: How To Turn Waste into Resource

Heyman, Daniel        
FRS 132 Drawing Up the Wall

Hirschel-Burns, Danny          
FRS 104 War and Peace in Latin America

Hoffman-Schwartz, Daniel   
FRS 157 At the Mind's Limits: The Holocaust in History, Theory, and Literature

Jorie Hofstra
FRS 165 Body Politics: Pro Wrestling in Social, Cultural, and Political Perspective

Holgado-Lage, Anais
FRS 150 The Way We Talk: Identity Through Our Own Dialect


Israel, Janna 
FRS 199 Making an Impression: Prints and Printmaking, 1500-2024


Kim, Soo-Young    
FRS 133 Unmaking Nation Making

Kohler, Sheila         
FRS 147 How People Change: The Short Story and Life’s Transitions


Landsman, Aaron     
FRS 143 Is Politics a Performance?

Leonard, Thomas      
FRS 120 Divided We Stand: Economic Inequality and its Discontents

Lewis, Rhodri 
FRS 117 Tragedy and the Meaning of Life

Littman, Michael       
FRS 106 Art and Science of Motorcycle Design


Maloof , Adam 
FRS 113 Rise and Fall: Geodesy, and the History of Roman Floods

Mann, Anastasia        
FRS 105 Micro+Macro: What Small Stories Can Tell Us About the Large Forces Shaping Our World

Marchesi, Simone       
FRS 189 Dante's Inferno: A Guide to Hell (and Back)

Marrone-Puglia, Gaetana     
FRS 136 History and Cinema: Fascism in Film

Marshall, Craig         
FRS 129 Visualizing Nature: Techniques in Field Biology

Mattson-Prieto, Raquel         
FRS 193 Food for Thought: What We Eat and Why

Merino , Adriana       
FRS 108 Say What!? Making Sense of Intercultural (Mis)Communication

Milam, Erika   
FRS 153 Celluloid Science

Moore, Susanna        
FRS 169 Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Wisdom of Crowds

Mugge, Miqueias       
FRS 141 Planet Amazonia: Engaging Indigenous Ecologies of Knowledges


Naydan, Mary 
FRS 142 Speculative Fiction and AI

Newby , Diana 
FRS 145 What's Your Sign?

Nunes, Janine
FRS 167 A Perfect Cup of Coffee


Ossip, Kathleen         
FRS 123 Poetry Makes History, History Makes Poetry: Reading and Writing Documentary Poems


Perlmutt, Bent-Jorgen
FRS 138 Representation in Documentary Filmmaking


Reuland, Jamie           
FRS 126 Care and Creativity in the Twelfth Century: Hildegard of Bingen

Rowley, Leslie
FRS 185 Endings, Before and After


Simons, Frederik
FRS 113 Rise and Fall: Geodesy, and the History of Roman Floods

Stirk, David   
FRS 182 Central Park: Landscape, History and Visual Culture

Szetela, Timothy        
FRS 174 Drawing Data


Taylor, Keeanga-Yamahtta    
FRS 181 The Political Lives of Angela Davis

Teardo, Sara   
FRS 134 The Global Appeal of a Local Saga: Elena Ferrante's Neapolitan Novels and the Power of Storytelling

Tenner, Edward         
FRS 151 Understanding Disasters

Thomas, Adam           
FRS 166 Power and Morality in Greek Literature

Trezise, Thomas         
FRS 144 Holocaust Testimony


Vanderbei, Robert J.  
FRS 131 Sizing Up the Universe

Visco, Julianna           
FRS 130 From the Decameron to The Last of Us: Storytelling After Crisis


White, Barbara          
FRS 119 Everyday Enchantment: Blurring the Boundary Between the Arts and Life

White, Veronica
FRS 199 Making an Impression: Prints and Printmaking, 1500-2024

Wilentz, Sean 
FRS 148 Bob Dylan

Winn, Joshua  
FRS 146 The Physics of Energy

Wirzbicki, Peter          
FRS 183 Civil Disobedience: Breaking the Law from Socrates to the Civil Rights Movement


Yao, Amy        
FRS 107 Expanded Craft


Zhang, Xinning         
FRS 115 Decomposing the Science of Composting: How To Turn Waste into Resource

Zwirahn, Faris 
FRS 122 From Reel to the Real: The Middle East Stereotypical Image in Western Popular Culture