1986/87 - 1996/97
course title instructor Education and Enlightenment Joan DeJean Marxism, History and Criticism Sean Wilentz Myth, History, and Contemporary Experience in Modern Poetry Edmund L. Keeley Magic in Europe, 1350-1650: An Exploration in Cultural History Anthony T. Grafton Spring
course title instructor The Processes of Theater: An Exploration of Dramatic Literature through Analysis and Improvisation Carol Elliott The Unexpected Greeks W.R. Connor Exodus, Apocalypse and Salvation: Religion and Social Movements in History Michael Jimenez The Literature of the Holocaust Froma I. Zeitlin Chinese Lyrical Arts Y.K. Kao -
course title instructor The Writings of P.B. Shelley David Bromwich Chomsky's Revolution in the Study of Language Robert Freidin The Chinese and Western Classics: A Comparative Approach Andrew Plaks Boccaccio's Decameron: A Close Study of a Classic Robert Hollander The Modern Near East in Historical Perspective Charles Issawi Spring
course title instructor The Principles of Economics - A Contemporary Approach Joseph Stiglitz Minds and Machines Michael Mahoney Soviet Culture Today: Openness or the Same Old Tractor Ellen Chances Shakespeare on the Stage Alan Mokler Ideas of the Book from Antiquity Through the Middle Ages Seth Lerer -
course title instructor The Chinese Revolution Arthur Waldron The Modern Near East in Historical Perspective Charles Issawi Comparative Ethics Jeffrey Stout Boccaccio's Decameron: A Close Study of a Classic Robert Hollander Experience, Knowledge, Necessity: Three Philosophical Texts Margaret Wilson Our View of the Universe in Science and Literature Aaron Lemonick
Carol RigolotSpring
course title instructor Noam Chomsky's Revolution in the Study of Language Robert Freidin The Idea of the City R. Elaine Fantham Nietzsche and Freud Eric Santner Mines, Miners and Mark Twain Kenneth Deffeyes -
course title instructor The Problem of Religion and Mabic John Gager Poets and Poetry: Private and Public Life Neil Rudenstine From Computers to Volcanoes - Materials and the World Around Us Alexandra Navrotsky Exchange and Conflict: a Study of Cross-Cultural Contact Albert Raboteau The Essay: Readers and Writers Reading and Writing Lawrence Danson Spring
course title instructor Dostoevsky's Brothers Karamazov: A Multidisciplinary Approach Ellen Chances Economics and Foreign Policy: America in the World of the 1990s Peter Kenen Democracy and Education Amy Gutmann Something Old, Something New: Contemporary Poetry and the Tradition James Richardson Saints and Lovers: The Invention of Love in the European Middle Ages Karl Uitti Shakespeare on the Stage Alan Mokler -
course title instructor Cinema and Modernism P. Adams Sitney Dreams Joel Cooper Writing the Female Self: Women's Autobiographies Deborah Nord William Faulkner's South Reid Mitchell The Florentine Renaissance: Culture and Society in an Early Modern City Anthony T. Grafton Spring
course title instructor The Zen Way of Seeing Martin Collcutt Change and Transformation in the Material Wrold Clarence Schutt Postwar Germany and the Legacy of Fascism Eric Santner Freud's Conception of the Group Mind and the Mind in Groups Susan Sugarman Empires of the Pre-Islamic and Islamic Near East Norman Itzkowitz The Civil Rights Movement in the United States Nancy Weiss Malkiel -
course title instructor World Music Cultures Judit Frigyesi Change and Transformation in the Material Wrold Clarence Schutt Democracy and Education Amy Gutmann Tragedy Victoria Kahn Philosophy and Literature Claudia Brodsky The City Rises: Culture and Society in Nineteeth-Century Paris Anthony T. Grafton The Civil Rights Movement in the United States Nancy Weiss Malkiel Science: The Human Face Nancy Nersessian Exploring Modern Drama: The Meanings of Theatrical Text Michael Goldman Spring
course title instructor Imagining Utopias Claire Fowler The Golden Age of Venice Patricia F. Brown Pictures and Painting (The Theory of the Picture) Howard Buchwald Political Liberty and Civic Virtue: Historical and Philosophical Perspectives Maurizio Viroli The Birth of Musical Theater in Italy, France, and England Katherine Rohrer PLANET OF THE POETS: Nature in Poetry from Classical Pastoral to Post-Apocalyptic Elegy Chase Twichell Dialogues: Athens and Jerusalem Robert Gibbs -
course title instructor Imagining Utopias Claire Fowler Altruism as an Ethical Ideal Mark Johnston Science: The Human Face Nancy Nersessian Forest Ecology: Natural History, Science, and Human History Henry Horn The Civil War as Personal Experience Reid Mitchell Pictures and Painting (The Theory of the Picture) Howard Buchwald Natural Law and the Nature of Law Robert George Language and Politics: The Chomskyan Perspective Robert Freidin Poetry and Philosophy in Ancient Greece Victoria Kahn Beethoven and the Heroic Concept Scott Burnham The Florentine Renaissance: Culture and Society in an Early Modern City Anthony Grafton Spring
course title instructor From Page to Stage: Dramatic Literature in Performance Michael Cadden Boccaccio's Decameron Robert Hollander Marx, Freud, and Dewey: Rival Perspectives on Knowledge, Hope, and Duty Marvin Bressler Computers, Ethics, and Social Responsibility Helen Nissenbaum The Literature of Homelessness Suzanne Nash War, Women, and Representation Georgia Nugent Earth Science: Two Revolutions Kenneth Deffeyes
Jason MorganPoetry: Ancient and Modern Andrew Ford A Cross-Cultural Look at Dance Forms as Reflective of Cultural History from the 15th Century to the Present Ze'eva Cohen Cinema and Philosophy: The Question of the "Essay Film" Thomas Levin -
course title instructor Active Geological Processes Kenneth Deffeyes
Jason Morgan
Robert PhinneyGroups, Norms, and Values Deborah Prentice World Music Cultures Judit Frigyesi The Idea of Greece in Modern Literature: Utopia or Otherness? Stathis Gourgouris Democracy in America Helene Silverberg The Cold War Richard Challener Reading, Writing and 'Rithmetic John D'Angelo American Best-Sellers William Gleason Respect Sarah Buss Language, Mind, and Politics: The Chomskyan Perspective Robert Freidin From the Egg to the Embryo: Decision Making in Development Shirley Tilghman Social Justice and Political Argument Oliver Avens A Cross-Cultural Look at Dance Forms as Reflective of Cultural History Ze'eva Cohen Great Churches of the Middle Ages Deborah Kahn Spring
course title instructor The American West in the 20th Century Stephen Aron Changing the Face of the Earth: Interactions between Societies and Their Environments Steven Brechin Markets and Morals Mark Johnston Cosmology: Science or Mythology? Jeremiah Ostriker Seeds of Civilization: Early Agriculture and Its Consequences Peter Bogucki Making Sense of the Sixties Marvin Bressler The Presentation of Self: Portraiture in Early Modern Europe Patricia F. Brown Marcel Proust's In Search of Lost Time André Aciman The Civil Rights Movement in the United States Nancy Weiss Malkiel Merchants, Markets, and Pirates: The Mediterranean World in the Middle Ages Avram Udovitch Tragedy and Philosophy in Ancient Greece Victoria Kahn The Aims of Education Harold T. Shapiro Fact, Fiction, and Documentary Films Kay Warren The Search for Moral Value in Post-Communist Russian Culture Caryl Emerson Nature and Nurture James Gould Trading Places: Merchants at Sea in the Eastern Mediterranean, 1750-1950 Molly Greene -
course title instructor The Punishment of Crime or the Crime of Punishment? John DiIulio St. Mark's Gospel in Literature and Philosophy Bas van Fraassen Exile and Otherness in Literary Imagination Susan Wolfson Fact and Fantasy Marcia Johnson Finding Our Place in the Universe Aaron Lemonick Viruses Arnold Levine Dilemmas of Citizenship in Ancient Greece Josiah Ober The Cold War Richard Challener Dostoevsky's Brothers Karamazov: A Multidisciplinary Approach Ellen Chances Freud's Writings on Politics, Culture, and Religion Eric Santner Art and Cultural Politics in the Weimar Republic, 1918-1933 Dorothea Dietrich Biological Origins of the Human Condition Rosemary Grant Scott and Zelda Fitzgerald Elaine Showalter Renaissance Florence: Culture and Society in an Early Modern City Anthony Grafton Samurai and Commoners: The Culture and Values of Japan, 1600-1868 David Howell Narration and Cinema: Readings in Film Theory and Aesthetics Thomas Levin Active Geological Processes Kenneth Deffeyes
Jason Morgan
Robert PhinneyArthurian Literature Frank Ordiway Spring
course title instructor AIDS, Anthrax, Worms, and Measles. The Ecology of Infectious Diseases Andrew Dobson Asia in the Mind of the West, The West in the Mind of Asia Martin Collcutt Moscow and Muscovy: Eight Centuries Stephen Kotkin Freeing the Self: Questions of Identity in Russian Literature Olga Hasty The Meaning of Life Elijah Millgram The "Spiritual Conquest" of Indians in Colonial Spanish America Kenneth Mills Doctors, Democracy, and the Developing World Vincanne Adams American Best-Sellers William Gleason The Medieval Monastic Experience Judith Herrin Arguments with the World: Poets and Their Politics Chase Twichell Earth Science: Two Revolutions Kenneth Deffeyes
Jason MorganHuman Rights in Theory and Practice Elizabeth Kiss The Aims of Education Harold T. Shapiro The Sporting Spirit Jeffrey Stout The Ethics of Friendship Eduardo Cadava Gender and Archetype in Persian Literature Jerome Clinton Jurassic Park: Myth or Reality? Laura Landweber -
course title instructor Environmental Values in American Culture Brechin,Steven R. Organic Chemistry: Seminar Style Jones Jr.,Maitland In Search of Old Peking Naquin,Susan The IQ Controversy Prentice,Deborah Anne Good and Evil through Modern Japanese Literature Hirata,Hosea Voyage Literature 1680-1800 Lamb,Jonathan The Civil Rights Movement in the United States Malkiel,Nancy Weiss The Mozart/Da Ponte Operas Powers,Harold Stone Dostoevsky's Brothers Karamazov: A Multidisciplinary Approach Chances,Ellen Bell Why Should We Respect Other Cultures? Cook,Michael Allan The Quest for Community Keller,Suzanne Sex, Babies, Genes, and Choices Silver,Lee Merrill The Art of Comedy DiBattista,Maria A. Fact and Fantasy Johnson,Marcia K. Conscience and Subjectivity in Early Modern Europe Kahn,Victoria Ann Contemporary Approaches to the Study of Animal Development Wieschaus,Eric Francis Active Geological Processes Deffeyes,Kenneth S. Active Geological Processes Hollister,Lincoln Steffens Friendship and Romantic Love Johnston,Mark Finding Our Place in the Universe Lemonick,Aaron Martyrdom and Persecution in the Early Church Shaw,Brent Donald Spring
course title instructor Poetry and Cultural Memory Bermann,Sandra Lekas Exploring Modern Drama: The Meaning of a Theatrical Text Goldman,Michael Paul Ecology and Conservation of the Tropical Rain Forest Hubbell,Stephen Philip Reading the Book of Change Peterson,Willard James From the Earth to the Moon Stengel,Robert Frank Modernity and the Invention of Social Science Forment,Carlos A. Chance and Causation Gould,James L. The Thousand and One Nights in World Literature Larkin,Margaret Mary The Architectonics of Nature Schutt,Clarence Ernest In a Perfect World: Schemes and Dreams for World Utopia Scully,Eileen Paula Marcel Proust's In Search of Lost Time Aciman,Andre Albert Humanitarian Interventions Keenan,Thomas Winslow The Skyscraper Mark,Robert History as Literature Snyder,Emery Society and Politics in the Information Age Starr,Paul Elliot The Good Life: Visions and Perplexities Frankfurt,Harry Gordon Language, Mind, and Politics: The Chomskyan Perspective Freidin,Robert A. Economics and Current Tax Reform Rosen,Harvey S. Cultural Freedoms: Hate Speech, Blasphemy, and Pornography Rosen,Lawrence Cosmic Discovery: How We Have Come to Learn What We Know about the Universe Tyson,Neil De Grasse Animals and Humans: Their History Together Geison,Gerald Lynn Berlin: Culture and Society Grafton,Anthony Thomas Theater, Theatricality, and Film Harries,Martin The Crusades: War and Religion, Romance and Reality (1095-1270) Kolbaba,Tia M. Religion, Law, and Politics in the United States Koppelman,Andrew Martin -
course title instructor Federalism in the USA: Rhetoric, Risks, and Opportunities Doig,Jameson Wallace Measuring the Structure of the Universe Knapp,Gillian R. Spaces and Voices of the Americas Moreira,Luiza Franco From Atoms to Quarks, Along the Quantum Trail Treiman,Sam Bard The Novel in the Ancient World Webb,Ruth Helen Jerusalem: Ruling the Sacred City Greene,Molly Freeing the Self: Questions of Identity in Russian Literature Hasty,Olga Peters Organic Chemistry: Seminar Style Jones Jr.,Maitland The Mozart/Da Ponte Operas Powers,Harold Stone Symmetry and Chance in Biology Schutt,Clarence Ernest Why Should We Respect Other Cultures? Cook,Michael Allan Homer: The Iliad and the Odyssey Fagles,Robert Berlin: Fate of a World-Metropolis Lestition,Steven O. Rationality Shafir,Eldar Moral Values and Literature Snyder,Emery Active Geological Processes Phinney,Robert Alden
Morgan,William Jason
Deffeyes,Kenneth S.The Psychology of Stereotyping and Prejudice Moskowitz,Gordon Blaine The Language of Totalitarianism Wachtel,Michael Alex The Interpretation of Oracles Wood,Michael George The Pleasure of Fear: Sublime and Gothic Literature Donald,Adrienne Yves Film Noir and Its Sources Quinney,Laura Ellen Freedom and Responsibility, Crime and Punishment Rosen,Gideon Avram Melville's Moby-Dick Wilentz,Sean The Crusades: War and Religion, Romance and Reality (1095-1270) Kolbaba,Tia M. Spring
course title instructor Water and the Environment Celia,Michael Anthony Comic Drama, Comic Theory Danson,Lawrence Neil Being Oneself Kateb,George Modern Canadian Literature: The Search for Identity McPherson,Karen S. The Moral Dimension in Higher Education Bressler,Marvin Utopias in the South Seas Lamb,Jonathan The World of the Computer Mahoney,Michael Sean New Paradigms for Old: The Struggle of Discovery Against Dogma Steinberg,Malcolm Saul Race, Gender, and Representation in American National Elections Greenstein,Fred I. Ethnomedicine "East" and "West" Adams,Vincanne The Cold War: Its Origins and Spread Challener,Richard D. Earth Science: Two Revolutions Morgan,William Jason
Deffeyes,Kenneth S.The "Spiritual Conquest" of Indians in Spanish America Mills,Kevin Richard The Use and Abuse of History: History as Popular Culture Henninger-Voss,Mary J. Federalism: An International Perspective Doig,Jameson Wallace American Best Sellers Gleason,William Albert "This is Not a Pipe": Art and Meaning Porterfield,Todd Burke The Aims of Education Shapiro,Harold T. Getting Organized Bermeo,Nancy The Politics of Love in The Tale of Genji Okada,Richard Hideki Plague Narratives Reeves,Eileen Adair The Morality of Private Ownership Sreenivasan,Gopal Radu From the Earth to the Moon Stengel,Robert Frank War and Revolution in Early Modern Europe Rabb,Theodore K. Saving At-Risk Urban Youth: Developing Street-Level Strategies for the 21st Century DiIulio Jr.,John James Organic Chemistry II: Seminar Style Jones Jr.,Maitland
1997/98 - 2007/08
course title instructor Living in the Postmodern World Bermann,Sandra Lekas Active Geological Processes Phinney,Robert Alden
Morgan,William Jason
Deffeyes,Kenneth S.Organic Chemistry: Seminar Style Jones Jr.,Maitland The Art of Estimation and Simulation Lam,Sau-Hai Extraterrestrial Life and Literature Reeves,Eileen Adair Dreams Cooper,John Madison Cracking Athens Up: Aristophanes' Comedies and Their Social Context Martin,Richard Peter The Mozart/Da Ponte Operas Powers,Harold Stone The Education of the Modern Artist Princenthal,Nancy A. The Discovery of Time Wise,M. Norton Homer - The Iliad and the Odyssey Fagles,Robert The Culture of Democracy Gourgouris,Stathis Names and Naming Miner,Earl Roy Autobiography and the American Experience Rampersad,Arnold The Search for Life in the Universe Strauss,Michael Abram A Literary Tour of the Middle East: Short Stories from Israel and the Arab World Diamond,James S. The Art of Comedy DiBattista,Maria A. Cinema and Philosophy: The Question of the "Essay Film" Levin,Thomas Yaron Taxes Rosen,Harvey S. Cultural Freedoms: Hate Speech, Blasphemy, and Pornography Rosen,Lawrence The Western Way of War Centeno,Miguel Angel Dance and World Culture Cohen,Ze'eva Parents and Children: Shakespearean Texts and Contemporary Theories Dobin,Howard N. On Trial: Affirmative Action at the Dawn of a New Century Fernandez-Kelly,Patricia Spring
course title instructor Poverty and Charity in the Middle Ages Cohen,Mark Robert Saving At-Risk Urban Youth: Developing Street-Level Strategies for the 21st Century DiIulio Jr.,John James Russians and the Devil Emerson,Caryl Religion and Politics in Eastern Europe Greene,Molly Religious Experience Johnston,Mark Frankenstein in Context Wolfson,Susan Jean Sustainable Industrial Development and the Human Environment Golden,Richard L. Being Oneself Kateb,George Japan and the West: The Hidden Christians Machida,Soho Kojiro The World of the Computer Mahoney,Michael Sean Taboo and Culture Arnold,Oliver Maxwell Ethical Dimensions of Contemporary Russian Cinema Chances,Ellen Bell The Animal Mind Gould,James L. Race and Democratic Discourse Mendelberg,Tali Privacy in an Age of Information Technology Nissenbaum,Helen Fay History as a Literary Form Snyder,Emery Democracy in America Gutmann,Amy The Quest for Community Keller,Suzanne The Rise of Antiwar Sentiment in the Modern World Murrin,John Matthew "This is Not a Pipe": Art and Meaning Porterfield,Todd Burke The American Dream and the Public Schools Scovronick,Nathan B. Heavens on Earth: Architects in Quest of the Ideal City Zaknic,Ivan The Wild Child Crain,Patricia Anne Society and Culture in Renaissance Florence Grafton,Anthony Thomas Representations of Happiness Hamori,Andras Peter Arthurian Literature Ordiway,Frank Bryan Great Inventions That Changed the World Wei,James Melville's Moby-Dick Wilentz,Sean -
course title instructor Dante's Inferno Hollander,Robert Imaginary Europe: Visions of Order in the Twentieth Century Mazower,Mark Asch Privacy in an Age of Information Technology Nissenbaum,Helen Fay Affirmative Action on Trial: Paradoxes of Race, Poverty, and Public Policy Fernandez-Kelly,Patricia Consciousness: Brain and Mind Treisman,Anne Marie Origins of Spatial and Temporal Order Cox,Edward Charles Cinema and History: Fascism in Film Marrone-Puglia,Gaetana Verdi and Shakespeare Powers,Harold Stone Creative Conflict: Plays and Playwriting Sandberg,R. N. Searching for Life in the Galaxy Wilkinson,David Todd
Lemonick,Michael DruttHomer-The Iliad and the Odyssey Fagles,Robert Film and Drama Between the World Wars Harries,Martin Lying Larrimore,Mark J. Literature and Modern Memory Mann,Barbara Ellen Does Poverty Have a History? Rodgers,Daniel T. Power from the People Royce,Barrie Saunders Hart Community, Exclusion, Race, and Class in the United States and Europe Lamont,Michele The Music That Technology Makes Lansky,Paul "Need to Know": The Origins of Narrative Desire Nugent,S. Georgia "This is Not a Pipe": Art and Meaning Porterfield,Todd Burke The History, Philosophy, and Mythology of Light van Fraassen,Bastiaan C. Old and New Media Wolf,Wayne Hendrix Dance and World Cultures Cohen,Ze'eva The Problem of Meaning: Contemporary Perspectives Diamond,James S. Parents and Children: Shakespearean Texts and Contemporary Theories Dobin,Howard N. Modernity and the Invention of Social Science Forment,Carlos A. The Work of Culture in the Posthuman Age Hansen,Mark B. N. Spring
course title instructor Les Grands Auteurs du Cinema Francais Bellos,David Michael Augustus and the Age of Gold Champlin,Edward James Modern Drama in Action: The Meanings of a Dramatic Text Goldman,Michael Paul Moscow and Muscovy: Eight Centuries Kotkin,Stephen Poverty and Welfare in the United States McLanahan,Sara The Big Bang and Beyond Steinhardt,Paul Joseph Sustainable Development and the Environment Golden,Richard L. The Brain: A Historical Approach Gross,Charles Gordon Writing Systems of the World Katz,Joshua Timothy DNA Computing: The Origin of Biological Information Processing Landweber,Laura Faye The Civil Rights Movement in the United States Malkiel,Nancy Weiss Bringing the Heavens Down to Earth: Science in the Media Turner,Edwin Lewis The Cold War: Its Origins and Spread Challener,Richard D. A Multidisciplinary Approach to Dostoevsky's Brothers Karamazov Chances,Ellen Bell Literature of Exile Gourgouris,Stathis The Plains Indians Isenberg,Andrew Christian Berlin: Fate of a World-Metropolis Lestition,Steven O. Kissing by the Book Picciotto,Joanna Magali Genes, Embryos, and Cancer Schupbach,Gertrud Maria Language Universals Babby,Leonard Harvey Cinema and Philosophy: Studies in Film Theory and Aesthetics Levin,Thomas Yaron The Stock Market Malkiel,Burton Gordon Taxes Rosen,Harvey S. The American Dream and the Public Schools Scovronick,Nathan B. Heavens on Earth: Architects in Quest of the Ideal City Zaknic,Ivan Seeing through Masterpieces: Visual Arts in the Western Tradition Bouche,Anne-Marie The Western Way of War Centeno,Miguel Angel Word and Image: The Generation of Meaning in Persian Poetry and Painting Clinton,Jerome Wright Responses to Rembrandt Kaufmann,Thomas DaCosta Childhood and Empire: Kipling, Burnett, and Nesbit Knoepflmacher,Ulrich Camillus The Rise of Antiwar Sentiment in the Modern World Murrin,John Matthew Great Inventions That Changed the World Wei,James -
course title instructor Energy in the World Around Us Cates Jr.,Gordon Dell Russians and the Devil Emerson,Caryl The Myth and Reality of Espionage: The Spy Novel Hitz,Frederick P. Dante's [Inferno] Hollander,Robert Samurai Howell,David Luke Shame, Disgust, Envy, and Regret Kaster,Robert A. Art History and Technology Alexander,Kirk Denham
Pinto,John Abel
Alvarado,RafaelDeforming Codes/Decoding Forms Dworkin,Craig Douglas Creative Conflict: Plays and Playwriting Sandberg,R. N. Why Immune Systems Fail: Autoimmunity, Influenza, Parademics, and HIV Weigert,Martin G. Heavens on Earth: Architects in Quest of the Ideal City Zaknic,Ivan Language and "Aliens" Browning,Marguerite Ann Homer Fagles,Robert Dying to Know: Reading Detective Fiction Riera,Gabriel The Varieties of Religious Experience Schmidt,Leigh Eric Human Rights in Historical Perspective Trentmann,Frank Race and Poverty in the American City Fernandez-Kelly,Patricia How Inequality Shapes Communities in the United States and in a Global World Lamont,Michele The Psychology of Stereotyping and Prejudice Moskowitz,Gordon Blaine Active Geological Processes Phinney,Robert Alden
Morgan,William JasonContemporary and Historical Issues in Bioethics Shapiro,Harold T. "For the Love of Iseult": The Medieval Tristan Legend in Literature, Art, and Music Curschmann,Michael Johann H. Affirmative Action at Work Dobbin,Frank Richardson The Microsoft Case: Antitrust in the Internet Age Felten,Edward William Saint Francis and the Franciscans Fleming,John Vincent The Balkans, Past and Present Greene,Molly "Shall We Dance?" Social Dance and Social Life in Twentieth-Century America Hayes,Aleta Marie Gothic Johnson,Claudia L. Manet, Monet, Modernism Armstrong,Carol Mary Biological Origins of the Human Condition Grant,B. Rosemary Spring
course title instructor The Importance of Being Oscar: Wilde, Now and Then Cadden,Michael William Byzantine Architecture: A Structural Study Cakmak,Ahmet Sefik Poverty and Charity in the Middle Ages Cohen,Mark Robert Tragic Drama and Tragic Theories Danson,Lawrence Neil Imaginary Europe: Visions of Order in the Twentieth Century Mazower,Mark Asch Values in the Design of Computer Technology Nissenbaum,Helen Fay [I Ching]: Reading the Book of Change Peterson,Willard James Dilemmas of the Will Thurn,David Henry International Financial Markets: An Economic Time Bomb? Branson,William Hoban Ideology and Indignation: Protest Literature of Modern Europe Engelstein,Laura Sustainable Development and the Environment Golden,Richard L. How To Be Holy: Monks and Nuns in Historical Perspective Kolbaba,Tia M. Freud and Literature Roff,Sarah Ley Life on Mars! (Or Maybe Not) Turner,Edwin Lewis
Lemonick, Michael DruttSound, Image, Movement, Meaning: Experiments in Multimedia White,Barbara Ann Gender Wars Alliston,April What Happened in History? Cook,Michael Allan Freeing the Self: Questions of Identity in Russian Literature Hasty,Olga Peters Opera and Carnival Heller,Wendy Politics and Religion Macedo,Stephen Joseph New Worlds: The Search for Extrasolar Planets Tremaine,Scott Duncan
Nelson,Robert WarrenKissing by the Book Picciotto,Joanna Magali The Good Life Frankfurt,Harry Gordon Walden in Our Time Howarth,William We Are Made of Star Stuff! Burnell,Jocelyn Bell Henry James and William Faulkner Mitchell,Lee Clark The Rise of Antiwar Sentiment in the Modern World Murrin,John Matthew Sports and Value Stout,Jeffrey Lee The Engineering of Ice Cream Vanderlick,T. Kyle The Natural History of Food Altmann,Stuart A. Economics of Environmental Protection Brunnermeier,Smita Bhatnagar Satellite Imagery Marlow,Daniel Robert
Prebys,Eric JonLife and Death in Venice Ordiway,Frank Bryan Art and Culture of New York Wilmerding,John History and Sociology of Childhood Zelizer,Viviana Adela -
course title instructor Problem of Meaning: Contemporary Perspectives Diamond,James S. Lit & Sacrifice in Greek & Roman World Feldherr,Andrew Mark Myth & Reality of Espionage: Spy Novel Hitz,Frederick P. Japanese Pop Culture in a Global Context Marran,Christine Spiritual Autobiography Pagels,Elaine Hiesey How Cities Work Wagner,Sigurd Cultural Encounters East & West Borovoy,Amy Beth Supreme Court & Constitutional Democracy Eisgruber,Christopher L. The Politics of Race in the Modern US Freund,David M. P. Comment s'ecrire Gabara,Rachel Cinema and History: Fascism in Film Marrone-Puglia,Gaetana Galvanization of Bio: Metal Ions & Life McLendon,George L. Comic Drama, Comic Theory Danson,Lawrence Neil Homer Fagles,Robert Nature, Culture, Ethics Larrimore,Mark J. Literature and Modern Memory Mann,Barbara Ellen Mighty Endeavor: The US in Word War II Miles,Paul Lindsay Why Beauty Matters Nehamas,Alexander Dying to Know: Reading Detective Fiction Riera,Gabriel Paintings Then and Now Acres,Alfred J. Unreliable Narrator in Mod Euro Fiction Brombert,Victor Henri The Politics of Tragedy and Comedy Deneen,Patrick J. Race and Poverty in the American City Fernandez-Kelly,Patricia Identity, Culture, Community in Era of Multiculturalism Keller,Suzanne Active Geological Processes Phinney,Robert Alden
Morgan,William JasonAmer Religiosity & Culture at Millenium Rosen,Lawrence Saint Francis and the Franciscans Fleming,John Vincent The Colonization of the Americas Hart,Jonathan Locke Social Dance & Social Life/20thC America Hayes,Aleta Marie Writing about Mozart Rohrer,Katherine Tinley Who Owns the Past? Rudenstine,David How are we to Live?Ethics/Ultmate Choice Singer,Peter Albert David Reason and Faith Sussman,David The Copernican Principle Gott III,John Richard Spring
course title instructor Odysseus across the Centuries Bien,Peter A. The Ideal of Amateurism and Intercollegiate Athletics Orleans,Jeffrey Howard
Feiveson,Harold AllanDesire: Reading Literature and Philosophy Heller-Roazen,Daniel Dilemmas of the Will Thurn,David Henry Consciousness: Brain and Mind Treisman,Anne Marie International Financial Markets: An Economic Time Bomb? Branson,William Hoban Sustainable Development and the Environment Golden,Richard L. Multiculturalism and Constitutional Justice Rubio-Marin,Ruth Life on Mars! (Or Maybe Not) Turner,Edwin Lewis
Lemonick,Michael DruttWhy Immune Systems Fail: Autoimmunity, Influenza, Pandemics, and HIV Weigert,Martin G. The Evolution of Language Browning,Marguerite Ann Life as We Know It: A History of Biology Creager,Angela N. H. Disasters and International Responses Gordenker,Leon Getting Dressed Weissman-Joselit,Jenna The Speech is a Machine Appel,Andrew Wilson Case Studies in Virology: Poliovirus and Influenza Virus Flint,Sarah J Walden in Our Time Howarth,William The Speech of Animals and Birds Lamb,Jonathan Music and Film Morrison,Simon Alexander The Rise of Antiwar Sentiment in the Modern World Murrin,John Matthew The American Dream and the Public Schools Scovronick,Nathan B. Elements of Life Stiefel,Edward Ira Seeing through Masterpieces: Visual Arts in the Western Tradition Bouche,Anne-Marie Economics of Environmental Protection Brunnermeier,Smita Bhatnagar Body and Spirit: A Comparative Approach to Sacred Dance Cohen,Ze'eva Childhood and Empire: Kipling, Burnett, and Nesbit Knoepflmacher,Ulrich Camillus Terraforming Mars (The 4th Rock from the Sun) Onstott,Tullis C. Contemporary American Avant-Garde Theater Schachter,Beth The Clinton Impeachment: History, Law, and Politics Wilentz,Sean Money, Power, and Place in America Cantarella,Marcia Y. -
course title instructor Problem of Meaning: The Case of the Parable Diamond,James S. Values, the Educational Experience, and Intercollegiate Athletics Orleans,Jeffrey Howard
Feiveson,Harold AllanMyth & Reality of Espionage: Spy Novel Hitz,Frederick P. Bad Music Jeffery,Peter Grant How Cities Work Wagner,Sigurd Why Immune Systems Fail: Autoimmunity, Influenza, Pandemics, and HIV Weigert,Martin G. Intellectual Vandalism: Plagiarism, Graffiti, Hijack Dworkin,Craig Douglas Supreme Court & Constitutional Democracy Eisgruber,Christopher L. Writing Systems of the World Katz,Joshua Timothy Religion, Renaissance, and Reformation Rigolot,Francois Representing the Holocaust Trezise,Thomas Alan Sound, Image, Movement, Meaning: Experiments in Multimedia White,Barbara Ann Evolution of Language Browning,Marguerite Ann Homer Fagles,Robert The Seven Deadly Sins and Russian Literature Freedel,David Philip Getting Dressed Weissman-Joselit,Jenna Conserving Biological Diversity in Theory and Practice Kremen,Claire Shrines, Sanctuaries, and Contested Landscapes in the Middle East Marmon,Shaun Elizabeth Decision-Making in the Context of Poverty Shafir,Eldar Masters of Grief and Grace Corngold,Stanley Alan Diversity in Higher Education Espenshade,Thomas Jeffrey Democracy, Drugs, and Violence in Andes Luna,Ricardo V. Active Geological Processes Phinney,Robert Alden
Morgan,William JasonTaxes Rosen,Harvey S. Influence of Media on Knowledge Shedd,Ben Reading Spirit, Writing Soul Verdelle,A.J. Underground Railroad Fleming,John Vincent Economics of Environmental Protection Brunnermeier,Smita Bhatnagar Techno-Music: 100,000 BC to 1999 Cook,Perry Raymond "Shall We Dance?" Social Dance and Social Life in 20th Century America Hayes,Aleta Marie Protest and Religion in Modern China Naquin,Susan Art History and Technology Alexander,Kirk Denham
Pinto,John Abel
Alvarado,RafaelForgetting Smith,D. Vance America's Greatest Artists: Winslow Homer and Thomas Eakins Wilmerding,John Searches for Planets and for Life in the Universe Knapp,Gillian R.
Frye,Brenda LouiseSpring
course title instructor Art and Nationalism in the Mediterranean in the Modern Age Athanassoglou-Kallmyer,Nina Maria Falling from Paradise Davis,Kathleen M. Prague, Vienna, and the Cultures of Central Europe Fried,Mirjam Litigation, Past and Present Prest,Wilfrid R. Genes, Health, and Society Rosenberg,Leon E. International Financial Markets: An Economic Time Bomb? Branson,William Hoban Art Motive in Modern Photography Bunnell,Peter Curtis Parental Guidance Advised? Sex, Violence, Death and Other Entertainment for Kids Sandberg,R. N. Hands-On Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Scoles,Giacinto Life on Mars! (Or Maybe Not) Turner,Edwin Lewis
Lemoncik,Michael DruttHeavens on Earth: Architects in Quest of the Ideal City Zaknic,Ivan Modern Financial Markets Blair,David H. Federalism in the USA, Canada, and Abroad: Rhetoric, Opportunities, and Dangers Doig,Jameson Wallace Poetry and the Novel Dolven,Jeff Stem Cells, Regenerative Medicine, and Biomedicine in Post-Genomics Era Lemischka,Ihor Rostyslav Painful Revelations: Violence and Anguish in Religious Experiences Clark-Deces,Isabelle Rolande Why Immune Systems Fail: Autoimmunity, Influenza, Pandemics, and HIV Weigert,Martin G. Saints, Crusaders, and Pilgrims: Santiago de Compostela in Medieval Europe Uitti,Karl David Invisible Invaders: Viral Offenses & Human Defenses Flint,Sarah J Walden in Our Time Howarth,William Cultural Freedoms: Hate Speech, Blasphemy, and Pornography Rosen,Lawrence Versailles: Art and Absolutism at the Palace of the Sun King Schroder,Volker The International Politics of AIDS in Africa Spectar,Jem Elements of Life Stiefel,Edward Ira The Engineering of Ice Cream Vanderlick,T. Kyle Reading King Arthur Anderson,Sarah May For the Love of Iseult: Medieval Tristan Legend in Literature, Art, and Music Curschmann,Michael Johann H. The English Language Fleming,John Vincent Body of Knowledge Sichel,Diann The Problem of Diversity in Colonial America Singer,Peter Albert David The Book from Papyrus to Printing Skemer,Don C.
Smith,D. VanceSeeing Through Masterpieces: Visual Arts in the Western Tradition Bouche,Anne-Marie -
course title instructor Individuality as an Ideal Appiah,Kwame Anthony Cain and Abel Breidenthal,Thomas E. The Supreme Court and Constitutional Democracy Eisgruber,Christopher L. Computer Animation Finkelstein,Adam Leaders, Leadership, and Morality Keller,Suzanne Slave Resistance in the Americas Palmer,Colin A. Cosmology As It Happens Staggs,Suzanne Therese Metamorphosis Dolven,Jeff A Biography of Energy Golden,Richard L. We Have Always Been Posthuman: Technology and the Body Hansen,Mark B. N. Rembrandt and Vermeer Kaufmann,Thomas DaCosta Alfred Stieglitz and the Making of American Art Photography McCauley,Anne Representing the Holocaust Trezise,Thomas Alan Falling from Paradise Davis,Kathleen M. Sex, Money, and Rock and Roll: Information Technology and Society Dobkin,David Paul
DiMaggio,Paul JosephLanguage and Cognition Fried,Mirjam Great Disillusionments Hasty,Olga Peters Getting Dressed Weissman-Joselit,Jenna Robots Rogers,Christopher Mostly Lyrics: Poems and Experience Rudenstine,Neil L. America Deneen,Patrick J. Music and Film Morrison,Simon Alexander The Rise of Antiwar Sentiment in the Modern World Murrin,John Matthew Islamic Movements in the Modern Middle East Nabavi,Negin Active Geological Processes Phinney,Robert Alden
Morgan,William JasonThe Worlds of Yiddish Literature in Translation Schor,Esther Helen Elements of Life Stiefel,Edward Ira Economics of Environmental Protection Brunnermeier,Smita Bhatnagar Dilemmas of Athletic Competition Feiveson,Harold Allan Ethics and the Natural World Greenberg,Mark D. "Shall We Dance?" Social Dance and Social Life in 20th Century America Hayes,Aleta Marie Getting Away from Others: Literature and the Accomplishment of Solitude Nunokawa,Jeff The Book from Papyrus to Hypertext Skemer,Don C.
Smith,D. VanceThe Tragic, The Comic, and the Political West,Cornel R. Spring
course title instructor Creative Brainstorms: Madness and the Artist Augst,Therese Ahern Strange Mirrors: French, Arab, and Jewish Reflections Benhaim,Andre The Angel of the Postmodern: Some Late Twentieth Century Annunciations Cadden,Michael William The Myth and Reality of Espionage: The Spy Novel Hitz,Frederick P. Sound, Music and ... Physics Piroue,Pierre A. Religion and Law Batnitzky,Leora Faye How to Be Holy: Monks and Nuns in Historical Perspective Kolbaba,Tia M. Cinema and History: Fascism in Film Marrone-Puglia,Gaetana Life on Mars! (Or Maybe Not) Turner,Edwin Lewis
Lemonick,Michael DruttMaterials World Aksay,Ilhan A. Modern Financial Markets Blair,David H. Africa Inside and Out Bwenge,Charles M. International Financial Markets: An Economic Time Bomb? Branson,William Hoban Stem Cells, Regenerative Medicine, and Biomedicine in Post-Genomics Era Lemischka,Ihor Rostyslav True Stories: Documentary Theatre and Film Wolff,Tamsen Olivia Walden in Our Time Howarth,William The American Dream and the Public Schools Scovronick,Nathan B. Historical and Contemporary Issues in Bioethics Shapiro,Harold T. The Influence of Media on Knowledge Shedd,Ben Religion and Gender in Films from African Diaspora Smith,Valerie Ann Consciousness: Brain and Mind Treisman,Anne Marie Reading Spirit, Writing Soul Verdelle,A.J. The Natural History of Food Altmann,Stuart A. Merlin and Magic Anderson,Sarah May The Cultures of Spain Loureiro,Manuel-Angel G. Writing the Unspeakable: Literature & the 20th-Century's Two World Wars Sobel,Anne Davison Sound, Image, Movement, Meaning: Experiments in Multimedia White,Barbara Ann Hands-on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Scoles,Giacinto Eye of the Tiger: Reading Buildings Chimacoff,Alan Saul Body Knowledge Sichel,Diann -
course title instructor Individuality as an Ideal Appiah,Kwame Anthony "Send Me An Angel": Heavenly Messengers on the Contemporary Stage Cadden,Michael William On Leaders and Leadership Keller,Suzanne The Ocean Environment Sigman,Daniel Mikhail The Environmental Imagination: Earth, Nature, and Culture Stowe,William W. The Rise (and Fall?) of the SUV in America Feiveson,Harold Allan A Biography of Energy Golden,Richard L. Song and Spirituality: Music and Liturgy in the Judeo-Christian Experience Heller,Wendy Evolutionary Anthropolgy Mann,Alan Eugene Forgetting Smith,D. Vance How Science Happens: The Struggle of Discovery against Dogma Steinberg,Malcolm Saul Architects in Quest of the Ideal City Zaknic,Ivan Privacy and American Law Allen,Anita L. Russian Literature and Spirituality Blank,Ksana Prague, Vienna, and the Cultures of Central Europe Fried,Mirjam The Mediterranean and its Travelers Guthenke,Constanze Magdalene Great Disillusionments Hasty,Olga Peters "Good to be Shifty": American Swindlers and Impostors Marsh,Clayton Imitation: Text & Image Riera,Gabriel Transatlantic Conversions Watson,Timothy P. The Ghetto as a Socio-historical Problem Duneier,Mitchell From The Wright Flyer to the Spitfire: History and Technology of Flight Martinelli,Luigi Islamic Movements in the Modern Middle East Nabavi,Negin Revolutions in French Theater Nash,Suzanne Crelly Active Geological Processes Phinney,Robert Alden
Onstott,Tullis C.Religion and Resistance in Narratives of Slavery Smith,Valerie Ann Elements of Life Stiefel,Edward Ira Freud on the Psychology of Ordinary Mental Life Sugarman,Susan Leah Paranoia Gallo,Ruben Hip Hop, House, and Raves: Social Dance & Social Life in 21st-Century America Hayes,Aleta Marie Reconciling Unity and Diversity: Islamic Art and Islamic Cultures Leisten,Thomas Friedemann Sour Fries: The Franco-American Relationship Meunier Aitsahalia,Sophie Memory Distortion and Forgetting Norman,Kenneth Andrew The Tragic, The Comic, and the Political West,Cornel R. Spring
course title instructor The Evolution of Language Browning,Marguerite Ann Global Science since 1600 in Europe and China Elman,Benjamin A. Prophet, Priest, Soldier, Statesman: Religious and Political Authority in the Ancient World Flower,Michael A. The Myth and Reality of Espionage: Le Carre and Greene vs. Philby, Ames, and Hanssen Hitz,Frederick P. Moscow: Eight Centuries of Art, Politics, and Empire Kotkin,Stephen Sound, Music, and ... Physics Piroue,Pierre A. The Ethics of Friendship Cadava,Eduardo Lujan Eye of the Tiger: Reading Buildings Chimacoff,Alan Saul Decoding Forms/Deforming Codes Dworkin,Craig Douglas Atomic-bombing and Firebombing Cities in World War II: Morality, Science, and Race Garon,Sheldon Marc Emotion and Culture Hansen,Mark B. N. They Laughed at Einstein: How Science Responds to Cranks and Visionaries Lemonick,Michael Drutt On Painting Acres,Alfred J. Materials World Aksay,Ilhan A. Modern Financial Markets Blair,David H. Writing an American Self Greeson,Jennifer Rae Getting Dressed Weissman-Joselit,Jenna The Strange Career of American Pluralism, 1550-1800 Silver,Peter Rhoads Literature in the Age of Empire and Decolonization Agnani,Sunil M. Modern Heresies and the Literature of Belief DiBattista,Maria A. Where's Waldo? The Science and Application of GPS Groth III,Edward John Terrorism: Made in America Schoenwald,Jonathan Mark Into the Woods! What your Parents and Disney Didn't Tell you about Fairy Tales Schroder,Volker The American Dream and the Public Schools Scovronick,Nathan B. Chemistry in the Modern World Semmelhack,Martin F. Merlin and Magic Anderson,Sarah May Dance and World Culture Cohen,Ze'eva Dante's Divine Comedy as an Introduction to Medieval Studies Fleming,John Vincent Slave Resistance in the Americas Palmer,Colin A. Mass Culture and Authenticity Wedemeyer,Arnd Economics of Environmental Protection Brunnermeier,Smita Bhatnagar -
course title instructor Religious Conviction, Religious Disagreement Elga,Adam Newman Tragedy: The Example of Hamlet Roche Jr.,Thomas Patrick Music in Cross-Cultural Perspective: Africa and the West Scherzinger,Martin Rudolf So You Want to Be Secretary of State: How U.S. Secretaries of State View the World Slaughter,Anne-Marie
Burke-White,WilliamGardens of Paradise, Gardens of Work Stewart,Susan A. The Environmental Imagination: Earth, Nature, and Culture Stowe,William W. The Search for Life in the Universe Strauss,Michael Abram The Problem of Suffering Diamond,James S. Dilemmas of Athletic Competition Feiveson,Harold Allan A Biography of Energy Golden,Richard L. Ancient Egypt and its Hieroglyphs Katz,Joshua Timothy Rembrandt and Vermeer Kaufmann,Thomas DaCosta Election Machinery Appel,Andrew Wilson A Multidisciplinary Approach to Dostoevsky's Brothers Karamazov Chances,Ellen Bell Islam and the English Imagination Danson,Lawrence Neil The Mediterranean and its Travelers Guthenke,Constanze Magdalene 20th-Century Poems and Poets: Politics, War, Religion, and Art Rudenstine,Neil L. Crafting Constitutions Scheppele,Kim Lane Rocket Science Choueiri,Edgar Yazid Falling from Paradise Davis,Kathleen M. The Ghetto as a Socio-historical Problem Duneier,Mitchell Diversity in Higher Education Espenshade,Thomas Jeffrey An Abiding Thirst: Understanding Poverty and Inequality in America Fernandez-Kelly,Patricia Men and Women Nord,Deborah Epstein Active Geological Processes Phinney,Robert Alden
McQuarrie,NadineSix Degrees of Separation: Small World Networks in Science, Technology, and Society Poor,H. Vincent Elements of Life Stiefel,Edward Ira Consciousness: Brain and Mind Treisman,Anne Marie Economics of Environmental Protection Brunnermeier,Smita Bhatnagar Dante's Divine Comedy as an Introduction to Medieval Studies Fleming,John Vincent Merchants of Venice: Understanding Business in the Premodern World Greene,Molly Japanese Popular Culture Okada,Richard Hideki Ethics and Politics in Public Service Reich,Robert C. Ethical Choices Singer,Peter Albert David The Tragic, the Comic, and the Political West,Cornel R. Spring
course title instructor Political and Religious Authority in the Ancient World Flower,Michael A. Financing the U.S. Government Krugman,Paul R. Sound, Music, and . . . Physics Piroue,Pierre A. Plague! Cause, Consequences, and Treatment of Infectious Disease Shenk,Thomas Eugene Cosmology As It Happens Staggs,Suzanne Therese Reading Money Blanton,Charles Daniel Eye of the Tiger: Reading Buildings Chimacoff,Alan Saul Digital Culture Hansen,Mark B. N. They Laughed at Einstein: How Science Responds to Cranks and Visionaries Lemonick,Michael Drutt Materials World Aksay,Ilhan A. Modern Financial Markets Blair,David H. A Suburban Nation Freund,David M. P. Language and Cognition Fried,Mirjam Meaning and Value: Anthropology and History of Economic Experience Lederman,Rena S. "Good to Be Shifty": American Swindlers and Impostors Marsh,Clayton The Mighty Endeavor: The United States in World War II Miles,Paul Lindsay Let's Eat: Food in Contemporary American Culture Weissman-Joselit,Jenna Face to Face: The Functions and Mechanisms of Face Perception Haxby,James Van Loan Walden in Our Time Howarth,William Contemporary American Arts: Performance, Drama, New Media Marranca,Bonnie From The Wright Flyer to the Spitfire: History and Technology of Flight Martinelli,Luigi Performing the Self: Expressions of South Asian Identity Natavar,Mekhala Devi Chemistry in the Modern World Semmelhack,Martin F. What The Body Reveals: Identity, Culture, and Difference in Movement and Dance Durham,Meghan C. Cross-Cultural Transformations of Tragedy Gikandi,Simon Eliud Multimedia: Technology, Policy, and Society Liu,Bede The Power (and Limits) of Literary Language Sobel,Anne Davison Human Dignity in Law and Political Thought Suk,Julie Chi-Hye History and Sociology of Childhood Zelizer,Viviana Adela Body Histories Nouzeilles,Gabriela -
course title instructor Politics and Religion in the Ancient World Flower,Michael A. The Myth and Reality of Espionage: G. Greene and J. le Carre vs. K. Philby, A. Ames, & R. Hanssen Hitz,Frederick P. Tragedy: The Example of Hamlet Roche Jr.,Thomas Patrick Encounters with the "Orient": European Travel Writing Schatz,Andrea Music, Politics, and Techno-Cultural Change from Mahler to Trance Scherzinger,Martin Rudolf The Ocean Environment Sigman,Daniel Mikhail "Tokyo" in Literature and Film Ueda,Atsuko Cain and Abel Breidenthal,Thomas E. Division in Red and Blue: Cultural Schisms in American Society Newman,Katherine S. Beyond Silicon: The Future(s) of Computers Steiglitz,Kenneth E. Pluribus Plures or E. Pluribus Unum? Hispanics and the American Future Tienda,Marta Architects in Quest of the Ideal City Zaknic,Ivan A Multidisciplinary Approach to Dostoevsky's Brothers Karamazov Chances,Ellen Bell Sex, Money, and Rock and Roll: Information Technology and Society Dobkin,David Paul
DiMaggio,Paul JosephScreening the Ethics of War Kiss,Erika Anita Islands and the Literary Imagination Knoepflmacher,Ulrich Camillus Empire and International Justice Muthu,Sankar Ancients and Moderns: Classics in the 20th Century Rentzou,Efthymia Changing Life Through Art: Adventures of the Avant-Gardes in Texts and Images Riera,Gabriel 20th-Century Poems and Poets: Politics, War, Religion, and Art Rudenstine,Neil L. Dreaming Davis,Kathleen M. Diversity in Higher Education Espenshade,Thomas Jeffrey An Abiding Thirst: Understanding Poverty and Inequality in America Fernandez-Kelly,Patricia Revolution in Music: 1910 +/- Lansky,Paul Active Geological Processes Phinney,Robert Alden
McQuarrie,NadineHoly Ordinary: Religious Dimensions in Contemporary Fiction Raboteau,Albert Jordy Into the Woods! What Disney Didn't Tell You About Fairy Tales Schroder,Volker Elements of Life Stiefel,Edward Ira Consciousness: Brain and Mind Treisman,Anne Marie Taboo: Sexual Regulation in Literature and Culture Barnett,Pamela E. Economics of Environmental Protection Brunnermeier,Smita Bhatnagar From Thermo to Quantum and Beyond Azevedo Meyer,Esther Roseli da Costa Literature and Human Rights Gikandi,Simon Eliud Dante's Inferno: A Guide to Hell (and Beyond) Marchesi,Simone After 9/11: The Position of the Citizen in America Meyers,Peter Alexander From Thermo to Quantum and Beyond Nappi,Chiara Rosanna Dying For God: Origins of Martyrdom Shaw,Brent Donald The Princeton Laptop Orchestra Cook,Perry Raymond
Trueman,Daniel LaurenceSpring
course title instructor Augustus and the Age of Gold Champlin,Edward James Deciding for Others Eyal,Nir War and Peace in the Medieval World Haldon,John Frederick Financing the U.S. Government Krugman,Paul R. American Medical Research: A Troubled Treasure Rosenberg,Leon E. Religion and Science: The Human Being's Place in Nature Batnitzky,Leora Faye The First Women's Movement: Women and Religion in the European Middle Ages Bynum,Caroline Walker Eye of the Tiger: Reading Buildings Chimacoff,Alan Saul The Turks: From Central Asia to Central New Jersey Finn,Robert P. They Laughed at Einstein: How Science Responds to Cranks and Visionaries Lemonick,Michael Drutt The Promise and Perils of Nanobiology Austin,Robert Hamilton The Chemistry of Chocolate Bernhard,Stefan Modern Financial Markets Blair,David H. Ancient Heritages, Modern Politics Cook,Michael Allan Developing Moral Ideals: Reflections on Hope, Trust, and Forgiveness McGeer,Victoria Slavery and Freedom Pitts,Jennifer G. Beginning After the End: Reconstruction in Post-Catastrophic Societies Stansell,M. Christine Let's Eat: Food in Contemporary American Culture Weissman-Joselit,Jenna The Ghetto as a Socio-historical Problem Duneier,Mitchell God of Many Faces: Comparative Perspectives on Migration and Religion Fernandez-Kelly,Patricia Animation Finkelstein,Adam Where's Waldo? The Science and Application of GPS Groth III,Edward John Walden in our Time Howarth,William Nationalism and Ethnic Conflict in Contemporary World Politics Loizides,Neophytos G. Henry James and William Faulkner Mitchell,Lee Clark What the Body Reveals: Identity, Culture, and Difference in Movement and Dance Durham,Meghan C. Empires and Diasporas: International Trade in the Premodern World Greene,Molly The Graphic Novel Stanton,Katherine Ann In the Shadow of the Bomb: Film and Culture in Postwar America Stirk,David Varieties of American Autobiography Wilmerding,John Microbes: Menace and Marvels Malatesta,Karen Ann
Ruiz,NatividadCinema and Philosophy: An Introduction to Media Theory Levin,Thomas Yaron Freud on the Psychology of Ordinary Mental Life Sugarman,Susan Leah -
course title instructor Art as Science/Science as Art DeLue,Rachael Ziady Language and Thought: From Individual to Culture Glucksberg,Sam The Amarna Revolution: Ancient Egyptian Civilization on the Edge Hare,Thomas William Imagination and Political Life Rubenstein,Jennifer Cyd What Is "Law"? Law and Culture In and Outside the West Ruskola,Teemu H. Music, Politics, and Techno-Cultural Change from Wagner to Trance Scherzinger,Martin Rudolf The Supreme Court and Constitutional Democracy Eisgruber,Christopher L. Dilemmas of Athletic Competition Feiveson,Harold Allan Evolutionary Anthropology Mann,Alan Eugene Poetry and Its Public Martin,Meredith Anne From Sacred Landscape to Shangri-la: The Imagination of Tibet Quintman,Andrew Harris Technology in Art and Cultural Heritage Rusinkiewicz,Szymon M. Architects in Quest of the Ideal City Zaknic,Ivan Markets and Votes in Latin America Centeno,Miguel Angel A Multidisciplinary Approach to Dostoevsky's The Brothers Karamazov Chances,Ellen Bell The Problem of Suffering Diamond,James S. Prague, Vienna and the Cultures of Central Europe Fried,Mirjam "Good to Be Shifty": American Swindlers and Impostors Marsh,Clayton Ancients and Moderns: Classics in the 20th Century Rentzou,Efthymia 20th Century Poems and Poets: Politics, War, Religion, and Art Rudenstine,Neil L. The Mediterranean and Its Travelers Guthenke,Constanze Magdalene Can Virtue be Taught? An Introduction to the Philosophy of Education Kiss,Erika Anita The Religious Right In Modern America Kruse,Kevin Michael Polarized America: Ideology, Inequality, and American Democracy McCarty,Nolan Active Geological Processes Phinney,Robert Alden
Maloof,Adam C.Holy Ordinary: Religious Dimensions in Contemporary Fiction Stiefel,Edward Ira France and the Holocaust Trezise,Thomas Alan The Evolution of Language Browning,Marguerite Ann Consciousness: Brain and Mind Brunnermeier,Smita Bhatnagar Behind the Scenes: Inside the Princeton University Art Museum Harris,Caroline I. What the Body Reveals: Identity, Culture and Differences in Movement and Dance Durham,Meghan C. From Thermo to Quantum and Beyond Nappi,Chiara Rosanna A Brief History of Individuality Nunokawa,Jeff Money: Equivalent, Value, and Symbol Oushakine,Serguei Alex. Dying For God: Origins of Martyrdom Shaw,Brent Donald Ethics in Everyday Life Singer,Peter Albert David The Rest of the Story: The Six o'clock News,National Security, Intelligence, and You Snyder,Diane Carol Anuta The Graphic Novel Stanton,Katherine Ann Dreaming of the South Seas: Art, Literature, and the Ethics of Intercultural Contact Wright,Alastair Ian Spring
course title instructor Romani (Gypsy) Culture in Russia and Eastern Europe Beissinger,Margaret Hiebert What Do Your DNA and Your iPod Have in Common? Chazelle,Bernard The Discovery of Art Childs,William A. P. The World in 1872-73: Through Japanese Eyes Collcutt,Martin C. The Invention of the New World: Writing on Early Colonial Spanish-America Firbas,Paul Philipp Retail Information Systems Wolf,Wayne Hendrix Eye of the Tiger: Reading Buildings Chimacoff,Alan Saul The Benefits and Dangers of Federalism: Experience in the United States, Canada, and Beyond Doig,Jameson Wallace Who is My Neighbor? Globalization and the Good Samaritan Gregory,Eric Sean Life on Mars -- Or Maybe Not Turner,Edwin Lewis
Lemonick,Michael DruttCinema and History: Fascism in Film Marrone-Puglia,Gaetana Evolution and the Galapagos Islands Wikelski,Martin Christoph Architects in Quest of the Ideal City Zaknic,Ivan The Chemistry of Chocolate Bernhard,Stefan Modern Financial Markets Blair,David H. Film and Authorship Braddock,Jeremy H. History and Memory: Inventing the Past, Constructing the Present Flower,Michael A. Let's Eat: Food in Contemporary American Culture Weissman-Joselit,Jenna Wildlife, Wilderness, and Development in the American West Wilcove,David S. Cultural Revolutions of the Sixties Wilmerding,John The Ghetto as a Socio-Historical Problem Duneier,Mitchell Where's Waldo? The Science and Application of GPS Groth III,Edward John Dream Interpretation from Antiquity to Freud Mavroudi,Maria Underworlds Schor,Esther Helen Into the Woods! What Disney Didn't Tell You About Fairy Tales Schroder,Volker Neuroethics: The Intersection of Neuroscience with Social and Ethical Issues Gross,Charles Gordon The Chemistry of Magic Wagner,Kathryn Marie Literature and Human Rights Gikandi,Simon Eliud Economics of Environmental Protection Brunnermeier,Smita Bhatnagar Empires and Diasporas: International Trade in the Premodern World Greene,Molly The Idea of Black Music Obadike,Mendi Lewis Exploring the Limits of the Market Radin,Margaret Jane Great Books: Ideas and Arguments George,Robert Peter
West,Cornel R.Democracy in the Ancient Greek World Domingo Gygax,Marc -
course title instructor Individuality as an Ideal Appiah,Kwame Anthony Truth and Objectivity in Ancient and Modern Historiography Domingo Gygax,Marc Water: Keystone for Sustainable Development Rodriguez-Iturbe,Ignacio Imagination and Political Life Rubenstein,Jennifer Cyd Religion, Law, and Society Hamilton,Marci A. Woodrow Wilson and the Battle of Princeton Maynard,W. Barksdale The Supreme Court and Constitutional Democracy Eisgruber,Christopher L. Ancient Egypt and its Hieroglyphs Katz,Joshua Timothy Google and Ye Shall Find??? LaPaugh,Andrea Suzanne Dream Interpretation Before Freud Mavroudi,Maria Cinema and Philosophy: An Introduction to Media Theory Levin,Thomas Yaron Between Heaven and Earth: Religion in Travel Writing Schatz,Andrea Chinese Cinema in Modern Chinese Culture Silbergeld,Jerome Materials World Aksay,Ilhan A. The Cold War Hutchings,Robert L. The Virgin Mary in the Hispanic World Lee,Christina H. Figures of Madness in Russian Culture Petrov,Petre Miltchov "Good to Be Shifty": American Swindlers and Impostors Marsh,Clayton 20th-Century Poems and Poets: Politics, War, Religion, and Art Rudenstine,Neil L. Red States, Blue States, and American Cultural Contention DiMaggio,Paul Joseph The Ghetto as a Socio-Historical Problem Duneier,Mitchell Martin and Malcolm Glaude Jr.,Eddie Steven Life in a Nuclear-Armed World Mian,Zia France and the Holocaust Trezise,Thomas Alan Earth's Changing Surface and Climate Phinney,Robert Alden
Simons,Frederik Jozef
Maloof,Adam C.Romani (Gypsy) Culture in Russia and Eastern Europe Beissinger,Margaret Hiebert Taxes Rosen,Harvey S. Don Quixote - Empiricism, Art, and Empire Brownlee,Marina S. Ancients and Moderns: Classics in the 20th Century Rentzou,Efthymia Creating the Computer: From ENIAC to the Internet Mahoney,Michael Sean Race and American Popular Culture Rooks,Noliwe M. Consciousness: Brain and Mind Treisman,Anne Marie How a City Works Wagner,Sigurd Revolutionary Minds: Framing Russia's Upheavals Oushakine,Serguei Alex. What the Body Reveals: Identity, Culture, and Difference in Movement and Dance Durham,Meghan C. Literature and Human Rights Gikandi,Simon Eliud The Rest of the Story: The Six O'Clock News, National Security, Intelligence, and You Snyder,Diane Carol Anuta Signals, Yardsticks, and Tipping Points of Global Warming Zerba,Eileen Andean Chronicles, Imperial Reason and the Colonial State Bentancor,Orlando N. Spring
course title instructor "Know Thyself": Literature and the Art of Self-Discovery Keilen,Sean P. What Do Your DNA and Your iPod Have in Common? Chazelle,Bernard Brazilian Popular Music: A Dialogue with the United States Meira Monteiro,Pedro Food and the Planet Searchinger,Timothy D. Freedom, Identity, and Self-Deception: Philosophy through Literature van Fraassen,Bastiaan C. Native North America, 1400-1836 Silver,Peter Rhoads Eye of the Tiger: Reading Buildings Chimacoff,Alan Saul People of the (Comic) Book: Jews and their Images in American and French Popular Culture Benhaim,Andre Uncertain Destinies: Hispanics and the American Future Tienda,Marta Life on Mars -- Or Maybe Not Turner,Edwin Lewis
Lemonick,Michael DruttArchitects in Quest of the Ideal City Zaknic,Ivan The Beast in the Sea: The Natural History of Whales Burnett,D. Graham The Chemistry of Chocolate Bernhard,Stefan The Book of Genesis Diamond,James S. Language and Cognition Fried,Mirjam Can Virtue Be Taught? (Introduction to the Philosophy of Education) Kiss,Erika Anita Let's Eat: Food in Contemporary American Culture Weissman-Joselit,Jenna Falling from Paradise Davis,Kathleen M. The Literature of Exploration, Place and Travel Howarth,William Henry James and William Faulkner Mitchell,Lee Clark Coming up with New Products - The Art and Science of Product Design Padulo,Louis Freud on the Psychology of Ordinary Mental Life Sugarman,Susan Leah The Scarlet Thread: Detective Fiction from Poe to the Present Widiss,Benjamin L. Literature and the Law: The Case of the Trial Bennett,Richard M. Mind, Body, and Bioethics in Japan Borovoy,Amy Beth Cultures of Terrorism and Counterterrorism Leheny,David Writing on the Environment and the Heirs of Thoreau Strebeigh,Fred The Chemistry of Magic Wagner,Kathryn Marie The Varieties of Religious Experience Today Biehl,Joao Economics of Environmental Protection Brunnermeier,Smita Bhatnagar Body and Spirit: A Comparative Approach to Sacred Dance Cohen,Ze'eva Taking it Personally: Defining the American Self Through Solo Performance Paran,Janice E. Origins of Racism and Ethnic Hatred Shaw,Brent Donald In Praise of Idleness: Literature and the Art of Conversation van Zuylen,Marina Chile: From Revolution to Reform and Beyond Walker,Ignacio P. Sour Fries: The Franco-American Relationship Meunier Aitsahalia,Sophie Fundamental Ideas of the Information Revolution: Insights into Technology, Language, and Biology Poor,H. Vincent
Sankar,LalithaAuthentic Arab Voice Kuttab,David
2008/09 - 2018/19
course title instructor Election Machinery Appel,Andrew Wilson Growing Up Global: Novels and Memoirs about Transnational Childhoods Belcher,Wendy Laura Water: Keystone for Sustainable Development Rodriguez-Iturbe,Ignacio The Book of Job and the Problem of Evil Fishbane,Michael Music and Film Morrison,Simon Alexander Let's Eat: Food and American Culture Weissman-Joselit,Jenna In the Service of All Nations?: Elite Universities, Public Policy, and the Common Good Eisgruber,Christopher L. Ancient Egypt and its Hieroglyphs Katz,Joshua Timothy Theories of Reading / Reading Theory Gallo,Ruben "Something Patterned, Wild and Free": African American Poetry from 1945 to the Present Smith,Tracy K. Nature, Human Nature, and the Landscape Arts of China Silbergeld,Jerome Materials World Aksay,Ilhan A. The Cold War Hutchings,Robert L. History and Memory: Inventing the Past, Constructing the Present Chances,Ellen Bell The Soviet Gulag Kaple,Deborah A. The Virgin Mary in the Hispanic World Lee,Christina H. How the Body Shapes the way the Brain Works Ghazanfar,Asif A. "Good to Be Shifty": American Swindlers and Impostors Marsh,Clayton 20th-Century Poems and Poets: Politics, War, Religion, and Art Rudenstine,Neil L. The Ghetto as a Socio-Historical Problem Duneier,Mitchell The Mediterranean and its Travelers Guthenke,Constanze Magdalene Walden in Our Time Howarth,William Earth's Changing Surface and Climate Phinney,Robert Alden
Simons,Frederik Jozef
Maloof,Adam C.Modernity, Enlightenment, and the "Clash of Civilizations" Levy,Lital The Folktale Beissinger,Margaret Hiebert To XY and Beyond: Sexual Difference and Sexuality in the History of Science Creager,Angela N. H. Diversity in Higher Education Espenshade,Thomas Jeffrey Behind the Scenes: Inside the Princeton University Art Museum Harris,Caroline I. Dilemmas in Intercollegiate Athletics Katz,Stanley Nider
Feiveson,Harold AllanLanguage and Cognition Goldberg,Adele E. Why Can't We All Just Get Along?: Unity and Division in Political Life Ghaziani,Amin Bodies in Cultural Landscapes Hoffbauer,Patricia Comparative Slavery in the Americas Hunter,Tera W. Listening In: Sound, Music, Noise, and Technology in American History Thompson,Emily The Rest of the Story: The Six O'Clock News, National Security, Intelligence and You Snyder,Diane Carol Anuta Signals, Yardsticks, and Tipping Points of Global Warming Zerba,Eileen Spring
course title instructor The Moral Dilemmas of Political Leadership Feeley,Rivka Amado The Neural Basis of Free Will and Consciousness Elga,Adam Newman
Berry II,Michael James
McDuff,Susan Grams RobisonSound, Music, and ... Physics Piroue,Pierre A.
Brasoveanu,Theodor DWoodrow Wilson and the Battle of Princeton Maynard,W. Barksdale What Makes a Poem Endure? -- 24 Lyric Masterpieces Stewart,Susan A. Kabbalah and Its Critics: From the Middle Ages to Madonna Dweck,Yaacob Eye of the Tiger: Reading Buildings Chimacoff,Alan Saul The Ethics of Human Enhancement: From Steroid Users to Superhumans Foddy,Bennett Architects in Quest of the Ideal City Zaknic,Ivan Life on Mars -- Or Maybe Not Turner,Edwin Lewis
Lemonick,Michael DruttThe Everglades Today and Tomorrow: Global Change and the Impact of Human Activities on the Biosphere Kraepiel-Morel,Anne M. The History and Culture of Climbing in the United States Gager Jr.,John Goodrich The Problem of Suffering Diamond,James S. Modern Financial Markets Blair,David H. "The Good Fight": Culture and Politics in the Spanish Civil War Loureiro,Manuel-Angel G. Living in a Polluted Greenhouse Mauzerall,Denise Leonore Latino/a Popular Culture Montez,Ricardo Life in a Nuclear-Armed World Mian,Zia Freud on the Psychology of Ordinary Mental Life Sugarman,Susan Leah The Scarlet Thread: Detective Fiction from Poe to the Present Widiss,Benjamin L. Into the Woods! What Disney Didn't Tell You About Fairy Tales Schroder,Volker The American Dream and the Public Schools Scovronick,Nathan B. Coming Up with New Products: The Art and Science of Product Padulo,Louis Taking it Personally: Solo Performance and the American Self Paran,Janice E. How to Make a Revolution in Russia: Ideas and Practices Oushakine,Serguei Alex. The Chemistry of Magic Wagner,Kathryn Marie
Plazas-Mayorca,Mariana D.The Dilemma and Challenges of AIDS: Language and Literature as Alternative Therapy Mutembei,Aldin Kaizilege The Wars Within: Patriotism, Protest, and Propaganda in Modern America Canedo,Eduardo Federico The Tragic, the Comic, and the Political West,Cornel R. Representing the French Revolution Axcelson,John W. Racism and Ethnic Hatred in Classical Antiquity Shaw,Brent Donald Economics of Environmental Protection Brunnermeier,Smita Bhatnagar Literature, Law, and Human Rights Gikandi,Simon Eliud The Information Revolution: Insights into Technology, Language, and Biololgy Poor,H. Vincent
Sankar,LalithaMinding the Body Meeks,Roblin R. Body and Spirit: A Comparative Approach to Sacred Dance Cohen,Ze'eva American Families in Comparative Perspective Goldani,Ana Maria Uncovering the Past and Present: The Archaeology of Ancient Egypt Vischak,Deborah A. Materials and Technology for a Sustainable Energy Future Arnold,Craig B. Red shirts, Black shirts and T Shirts: Tracing Ideology in a Post-Ideological World Kaplan,Eran -
course title instructor Signals, Yardsticks, and Tipping Points of Global Warming and Ocean Environments Zerba,Eileen Metals and Art Bagley,Robert William Water: Keystone for Sustainable Development Rodriguez-Iturbe,Ignacio Going Back: The History of Princeton University Axtell,James L. Music and the Holocaust: Culture, Identity, and Ideology Hailey,Christopher Thomas Democracies at War Herman,Tamar Sara Eye of the Tiger: Reading Buildings Chimacoff,Alan Saul Wordplay: A Wry Plod from Babel to Scrabble Katz,Joshua Timothy Sprawl: Historical and Global Perspectives Angel,Shlomo Cinema and Philosophy: An Introduction to Media Theory Levin,Thomas Yaron Hedge Funds: Their Purpose, Strategies, and Social Value de Swaan,Jean-Christophe Behind the Scenes: Inside the Princeton University Art Museum Harris,Caroline I. In the Service of All Nations? Elite Universities, Public Policy, and the Common Good Eisgruber,Christopher L. Poetry and Its Public Martin,Meredith Anne The Soviet Gulag Kaple,Deborah A. Can Virtue Be Taught? (Introduction to the Philosophy of Education) Kiss,Erika Anita The Virgin Mary in the Hispanic World Lee,Christina H. History and Memory: Inventing the Past, Constructing the Present Flower,Michael A. 20th-Century Poems and Poets: Politics, War, Religion, and Art Rudenstine,Neil L. The Ghetto Duneier,Mitchell Life in a Nuclear-Armed World Mian,Zia The Literature of Place and Travel Howarth,William Earth's Changing Surface and Climate Simons,Frederik Jozef
Maloof,Adam C.
Rose, Catherine VThe Stock Market Malkiel,Burton Gordon Freud on the Psychology of Ordinary Mental Life Sugarman,Susan Leah Art and the Lifecycle in Africa Okeke-Agulu,Chika O. Race, Class, and the Selective College Experience Espenshade,Thomas Jeffrey Romani Culture in Russia and East Europe Beissinger,Margaret Hiebert Dilemmas in Intercollegiate and Professional Athletics Feiveson,Harold Allan Consciousness: Brain and Mind Treisman,Anne Marie Magical Realism Chaudhary,Zahid Rafiq Body and Spirit: A Comparative Approach to Sacred Dance Cohen,Ze'eva Borges for Beginners Nouzeilles,Gabriela Music of the Americas: From Tango to Bossa Nova and Beyond Vazquez,Alexandra T. The Rest of the Story: The Six O'Clock News, National Security, Intelligence and You Snyder,Diane Carol Anuta "Something wicked this way comes": Witchcraft, Belief and Agency in Early Modern Literature Leo,Russ Tolerance and its Discontents: The Origins and Limits of a Political and Religious Virtue Russ-Fishbane,Elisha R. Spring
course title instructor Revolutions and the Era of American Independence Dun,James Alexander The Literature and Politics of Encounter Lee,Natasha C. Sound, Music, and ... Physics Piroue,Pierre A.
Brasoveanu,Theodor DArt and Science of Motorcycle Design Littman,Michael G. Transformations of an Empire: Power, Religion, and the Arts of Medieval Rome Zchomelidse,Nino The Globalization of Domestic Courts Michaels,Ralf "Bleed in Sport": Theater, Sacrifice, and Culture Arnold,Oliver Maxwell Neuroethics: The Intersection of Neuroscience with Social and Ethical Issues Gross,Charles Gordon History and Cinema: Fascism in Film Marrone-Puglia,Gaetana Life on Mars -- Or Maybe Not Turner,Edwin Lewis
Lemonick,Michael DruttThe Everglades Today and Tomorrow: Global Change and the Impact of Human Activities on the Biosphere Kraepiel-Morel,Anne M.
Losh,Jenna LWhen Cows Go Crazy: The Inextricable Links between Human and Animal Health Kahn,Laura Architects in Quest of the Ideal City Zaknic,Ivan The Book of Genesis Diamond,James S. Indigenous Peoples and Historic Injustice Stilz,Anna B. What Can the Science of Economics Teach Us about the Theory of the State? Salzberger,Eli M. Political, Allegorical, and Mythical Narrative Cycles in Roman Art Meyer,Hugo Science and Policy of Global Environmental Issues Mauzerall,Denise Leonore Children and War Gross,Irena Grudzinska Willa Cather and Company Mitchell,Lee Clark The Artist as Idea - From Leonardo to Warhol Alsdorf,Bridget Into the Woods! What Disney Didn't Tell You About Fairy Tales Schroder,Volker The Stock Market Malkiel,Burton Gordon Design, Craft, and Ethical Value Nordenson,Guy J.P. Reform and Revolution in Chile Sigmund,Paul Eugene Backstage Dramas: Survival Strategies in the American Theater Paran,Janice E. The Chemistry of Magic Wagner,Kathryn Marie
Strohecker,Traci LLiterature, Law, and Human Rights Gikandi,Simon Eliud American Families in Comparative Perspective Goldani,Ana Maria Bodies in Cultural Landscapes Hoffbauer,Patricia What's the Plan? Space as a Medium Allais,Lucia The Information Revolution: Insights into Technology, Language, and Biology Sankar,Lalitha The Charms of Nature: Pastoral Poetry and Poetics in Greece, Rome, and Beyond Holmes,Brooke A. Our Struggling Schools: Race, Culture, and Urban Education Rooks,Noliwe M. The American Sermon Best,Wallace DeNino A Survey of Plato's Republic Lorenz,Hendrik Ancestry, Genetics and Medicine Andolfatto,Peter From the Bronze Age to the Plastic Age: A History of Chemistry through Experimental Discovery VanderKam,Susan Killian
Graves,KimberlyModern Financial Markets Lichtenstein,Adam E.
Blair,David H. -
course title instructor Signals, Yardsticks, and Tipping Points of Global Warming and Ocean Environments Zerba,Eileen Metals and Art Bagley,Robert William Water: Keystone for Sustainable Development Rodriguez-Iturbe,Ignacio Truth and Objectivity in Ancient and Modern Historiography Domingo Gygax,Marc Music and the Holocaust: Culture, Identity, and Ideology Hailey,Christopher Thomas Dante's Inferno and the Latin Classics Hollander,Robert What Makes a Poem Endure?--24 Lyric Masterpieces Stewart,Susan A. Eye of the Tiger: Reading Buildings Chimacoff,Alan Saul Sprawl: Historical and Global Perspectives Angel,Shlomo Killer Love: Passion and Crime in Fiction and Film Panou,Nikolaos Environment and Development Ramana,M. V. Behind the Scenes: Inside the Princeton University Art Museum Harris,Caroline I. Narrative: Fiction-Making and Truth Telling Brooks,Peter P. The Changing Brain: Plasticity and Regeneration During Development and Adulthood Gould,Elizabeth The Soviet Gulag Kaple,Deborah A. From Natural Law to Human Rights?: History of the Western Natural Law and Natural Rights Traditions Karr,Susan F. Longfield Good to Be Shifty: American Swindlers and Impostors Marsh,Clayton 20th-Century Poems and Poets: Politics, War, Religion, and Art Rudenstine,Neil L. Soccer in Latin America: Politics, History, and Popular Culture Carvalho,Bruno M. Scarcity: Its Logic and Consequences Shafir,Eldar Walden in our Time Howarth,William Charged Space: Context and Setting in the Production and Interpretation of Art and Literature Kusserow,Karl E. Neuroethics: The Intersection of Neuroscience with Social and Ethical Issues Gross,Charles Gordon Hedge Funds: Their Purpose, Strategies, and Social Value de Swaan,Jean-Christophe "How the Tabby Cat Got Her Stripes" or "The Silence of the Genes" Tilghman,Shirley M. Medieval Globalism: International Trade Before Columbus Stahl,Alan M. Race, Class and the Selective College Experience Espenshade,Thomas Jeffrey Scientists Against Time Feiveson,Harold Allan Narratives of Identity in the Other Europe: Reading Culture in the Balkans Beissinger,Margaret Hiebert Language and Cognition Goldberg,Adele E. Republican Liberty and Religion: 1300-1900 Viroli,Maurizio Science and Technology for a Sustainable Energy Future Arnold,Craig B. The Rest of the Story: The Six O'Clock News, National Security, Intelligence and You Snyder,Diane Carol Anuta Red Shirts, Black Shirts and T Shirts: Tracing Ideology in a Post-Ideological World Kaplan,Eran The Information Revolution: Insights into Technology, Language, and Biology Sankar,Lalitha What is "Modern"? Katsnelson,Anna Wexler The Civil Rights Revolution, 1863-2010 Zeitz,Joshua M. Spring
course title instructor Art and Science of Motorcycle Design Littman,Michael G. Light, Camera, Action Puchalla,Jason L. Sound, Music, and ... Physics Piroue,Pierre A.
Brasoveanu,Theodor DThe English Revolution Hubbard,Eleanor Kathryn Transformations of an Empire: Power, Religion, and the Arts of Medieval Rome Zchomelidse,Nino How Not to Go to Africa: Alternative Voices on the (East) African Narrative Mwita,Mahiri Recent Developments in Financial Regulation: International Dimensions Shin,Hyun Song Imagining Other Worlds Spergel,David N. Life on Mars -- Or Maybe Not Lemonick,Michael Drutt The Everglades Today and Tomorrow: Global Change and the Impact of Human Activities on the Biosphere Kraepiel-Morel,Anne M.
Black,Frank J.When Cows Go Crazy: The Inextricable Links between Human and Animal Health Kahn,Laura Architects in Quest of the Ideal City Zaknic,Ivan The Problem of Meaning: Contemporary Perspectives Diamond,James S. Language and Law Mertz,Elizabeth The Fantasy of The Middle Ages Anderson,Sarah May Freud on the Psychology of Ordinary Mental Life Sugarman,Susan Leah Narratives of Rebellion: The Revolts of 1857 in Colonial India Raman,Bhavani The Art of Science, the Science of Art Vertesi,Janet Amelia Life in a Nuclear Armed World Mian,Zia U.S. Constitution and Foreign Policy Silverstein,Gordon Into the Woods! What Disney Didn't Tell You About Fairy Tales Schroder,Volker Plato: Republic Morison,Benjamin Charles Atkin Critics of Modern America, 1880-1960 Ryan,Alan Backstage Dramas: Survival Strategies in the American Theater Paran,Janice E. The Chemistry of Magic Wagner,Kathryn Marie
Molden,Rosalynn ConniffThe Hedgehog and the Fox Philander,Samuel George H. American Families in Comparative Perspective Goldani,Ana Maria Bodies in Cultural Landscapes Hoffbauer,Patricia From the Bronze Age to the Plastic Age: A Histor of Chemistry through Experimental Discovery VanderKam,Susan Killian
Graves,KimberlyThe Tragic, The Comic, and The Political West,Cornel R. Morality in America Rivett,Sarah Slavery: Ancient and Modern Shaw,Brent Donald The Ionian Shore Finn,Robert P. -
course title instructor Signals, Yardsticks, and Tipping Points of Global Warming and Ocean Environments Zerba,Eileen Individuality as an Ideal Appiah,Kwame Anthony Water: Keystone for Sustainable Development Rodriguez-Iturbe,Ignacio What Makes a Poem endure? - 24 Lyric Masterpieces Stewart,Susan A. Metals and Art Bagley,Robert William What Do Your DNA and Your iPod Have in Common? Chazelle,Bernard Debating the Constitution: 1787-1793 Wilson,Bradford P. Wordplay: A Wry Plod from Babel to Scrabble Katz,Joshua Timothy Eye of the Tiger: Reading Buildings Chimacoff,Alan Saul Sprawl Angel,Shlomo Can Virtue Be Taught? An Introduction to the Liberal Arts Kiss,Erika Anita Fukushima, Chernobyl, Three Mile Island: Severe Accidents and Nuclear Power Ramana,M. V. New Eyes for the World: Photonics Solutions for Today's Challenges Gmachl,Claire F. Forgiveness Hasty,Olga Peters 20th Century Poems and Poets: Politics, War, Religion and Art Rudenstine,Neil L. Silence, Noise, Sound and Music: Art and/as Everyday Experience White,Barbara Ann The Soviet Gulag Kaple,Deborah A. Children and War Gross,Irena Grudzinska Ethics in Financial Markets de Swaan,Jean-Christophe Health Concerns in the 21st Century Goldman,Noreen The Literature of Place and Travel Howarth,William When Adolescence Goes Wrong: What They Didn't Tell You Litchman,Michael D. How the Tabby Cat Got Her Stripes Tilghman,Shirley M. Live at the Village Vanguard Pellegrinelli,Lara V. Narratives of Identity in the Other Europe: Reading Culture in the Balkans Beissinger,Margaret Hiebert Scientists Against Time Feiveson,Harold Allan Roads Not Taken: Critics of Modern America, 1880 - 1960 Ryan,Alan Slavery: Ancient and Modern Shaw,Brent Donald The Face: The Forces that Shape How We Perceive Others Todorov,Alexander T. Republican Liberty and Religion: 1300 - 1900 Viroli,Maurizio Bodies in Cultural Landscapes Hoffbauer,Patricia American Families in Comparitive Perspective Goldani,Ana Maria The Examined Life: Philosophy and Religion on the Art of Living Russ-Fishbane,Elisha R. The Rest of the Story: The Six O'Clock News, National Security, Intelligence and You Snyder,Diane Carol Anuta Earth's Environments and Ancient Civilizations Simons,Frederik Jozef
Maloof,Adam C.
Husson,Jonathan MGlobal Environmental Change: Science, Technology and Policy Wood,Eric F.
Sheffield,JustinExtraordinary Popular Delusions and the Wisdom of Crowds Moore,Susanna Borges for Beginners Nouzeilles,Gabriela Materials World Aksay,Ilhan A. Spring
course title instructor Global Warming: Risks, Policies, Politics and Human Values Oppenheimer,Michael Art and Science of Motorcycle Design Littman,Michael G. Sound, Music, and ... Physics Piroue,Pierre A.
Shields,Emily KathrynHow Not to Go to Africa: Alternative Voices on the (East) African Narrative Mwita,Mahiri Light, Camera, Action Puchalla,Jason L. Behind the Scenes: Inside the Princeton University Art Museum Harris,Caroline I. The Everglades Today and Tomorrow: Global Change and the Impact of Human Activities on the Biosphere Kraepiel-Morel,Anne M. Life on Mars-Or Maybe Not Turner,Edwin Lewis
Lemonick,Michael DruttMen are from Mars, Women are from Venus: Cultural Beliefs About Gender Difference Tey,Tey Imagining Other Worlds Spergel,David N. Architects in Quest of the Ideal City Zaknic,Ivan Choreography for the American Musical, from the Black Crook to Bill T. Jones Gennaro,Liza Designing Life: The Ethics of Creation and Its Control Harman,Elizabeth From Castle Garden to Angel Island: The Creation of U.S. Immigration Policy, 1882-1965 Moloney,Deirdre M. The Politics of Rights McCann,Michael W. Reconciliation: The Politics of Forgiveness in a Global Age Osanloo,Arzoo Can You Hear Me Now? The Arab Spring and the Evolving Obama Doctrine Bodine,Barbara K. Dante's Inferno: A Guide to Hell (and Back) Marchesi,Simone Freud on the Psychology of Ordinary Mental Life Sugarman,Susan Leah Life in a Nuclear-Armed World Mian,Zia Princeton's Ecological Footprint: Using the Campus as a Laboratory for Sustainability Weber,Shana S. Things Come to Life: Explorations in Modern and Contemporary Art Doherty,Brigid Reading Plato's Republic Lane,Melissa Atomic-bombing and Firebombing Cities in World War II: Morality, Science, and Race Garon,Sheldon Marc Backstage Dramas: Survival Strategies in the American Theater Paran,Janice E. Liberalism and Religion Sigmund,Paul Eugene Pottery: Archaeology, Art, and Technology Halperin,Christina Tsune Discovering Don Quixote de la Mancha: Then and Now Lee,Christina H. Race and the History of Racism in Brazil: An Alternative to the United States? Meira Monteiro,Pedro From the Bronze Age to the Plastic Age: A History of Chemistry through Experimental Discovery VanderKam,Susan Killian Live at the Village Vanguard Pellegrinelli,Lara V. Slavery and American Culture Jones Jr.,Douglas A. Emergency Powers, Extra-Constitutionality, and Regimes of Exception Mahmud,Tayyab The Chemistry of Magic Wagner,Kathryn Marie
Ojini,Irene NnekaThe Dreamkeepers: Education Reform and the Urban Teaching Experience Nolan,Kathleen M. Becoming Commander-in-Chief Kleinerman,Benjamin Adams Poetry and Its Public Martin,Meredith Anne Slavery: Ancient and Modern Shaw,Brent Donald Music and the Holocaust: Culture, Identity, and Ideology Hailey,Christopher Thomas Science and Technology for a Sustainable Energy Future Arnold,Craig B.
Fardel,RomainDemocracies and Leaders at War Bunting,Josiah Between Scylla and Charybdis: Federal Reserve Policy Execution amid Financial Crisis Dzina Jr.,Richard Paul Signals, Yardsticks, and Tipping Points of Global Warming and Ocean Environments Zerba,Eileen Controversies in Science: Past and Present Philander,Samuel George H. Truth and Objectivity in Ancient and Modern Historiography Domingo Gygax,Marc -
course title instructor Facebook: The Social Impact of Social Networks Felten,Edward William
Schultze,Stephen J.Listening at the Museum Heller,Wendy Music & Animation from Ovid to Disney Lockhart,Ellen Should the Mob Rule? Democracy, Crime and Punishment Miller,Lisa L. What is Ballet? Morrison,Simon Alexander Water: Keystone for Sustainable Development Rodriguez-Iturbe,Ignacio What Makes a Poem Endure Stewart,Susan A. Responses of Freshwater Systems to Atmospheric Acid Deposition Zerba,Eileen Eye of the Tiger: Reading Buildings Chimacoff,Alan Saul The Changing Brain Gould,Elizabeth Designing Life: The Ethics of Creation Harman,Elizabeth Wordplay: A wry plod from Babel to Scrabble Katz,Joshua Timothy Friending, Following & Finding LaPaugh,Andrea Suzanne New Media, Old Media, Dead Media Levin,Thomas Yaron Exploring Human Genomes and the Future of Human Beings Silver,Lee Merrill Constitutionalism 3.0 Somek,Alexander Materials World Aksay,Ilhan A. Education, Freedom and Equality Allen,Danielle S. Soccer and Latin America Carvalho,Bruno M. The Supreme Court and Constitutional Democracy Eisgruber,Christopher L. Forgiveness Hasty,Olga Peters The Soviet Gulag Kaple,Deborah A. What is Modern? Katsnelson,Anna Wexler Discovering Don Quixote de la Mancha: Then and Now Lee,Christina H. Coeducation Malkiel,Nancy Weiss Ethics in Financial Market de Swaan,Jean-Christophe Things Come to Life Doherty,Brigid Health Concerns in the 21st Century Goldman,Noreen Philanthropy Katz,Stanley Nider Joyce Carol Oates: Fiction and Essays Kohler,Sheila When Adolescence Goes Wrong .... what they didn't tell you Litchman,Michael D. Science, Technology and Public Policy Shapiro,Harold T. Work Willis,Paul Edwin Narratives of Identity in the Other Europe Beissinger,Margaret Hiebert The University: Patron of Architecture or Rapacious Developer McCoy Jr.,Ronald J.
Burstein,MarkScientists Against Time Feiveson,Harold Allan Language Acquisition: What Not to Say Goldberg,Adele E. From Berlin to Hollywood Hailey,Christopher Thomas Bad A$$ Asians: Crime, Vice, and Morality in East Asia Leheny,David Law of Democracy and Elections Persily,Nathaniel Alfred Rhetoric and Politics Viroli,Maurizio The Fantasy of the Middle Ages Anderson,Sarah May Bodies in Cultural Landscapes Hoffbauer,Patricia Earth's Environments & Ancient Civilizations Simons,Frederik Jozef
Maloof,Adam C.Popular Delusions and Wisdom of Crowds Moore,Susanna Network Society: Global & Local Price,Rachel Lee City of Gold: Archeology & Exhibition Smith,Joanna S. Global Environmental Change: Science, Technology & Policy Wood,Eric F.
course title instructor Latin American Politics though Film Campello,Daniela Light in Artistic Expression Cox,Jane Frances Art and Science of Motorcycle Design Littman,Michael G. Design, Craft and Ethical Value Nordenson,Guy J.P. The Arthurian Legend in Literature and Film Poor,Sara S. Light, Camera, Action Puchalla,Jason L.
Koh,GuangyongSocial Contagion Sinclair,Stacey A. The Evolution of Human Language Fellbaum,Christiane Dorothea Atomic Bombing and Firebombing Cities in World War II: Morality, Science and Race Garon,Sheldon Marc Life on Mars or Maybe Not Turner,Edwin Lewis
Lemonick,Michael DruttWho Was the Last Samurai? Marcon,Federico The Everglades Today and Tomorrow: Global Change and the Impact of Human Activities on the Biosphere Kraepiel-Morel,Anne M.
Babbin,Andrew R.Imagining Other Worlds Spergel,David N. Representing the Holocaust Trezise,Thomas Alan Architects in Quest of the Ideal City Zaknic,Ivan Musical Passions Zayaruznaya,Anna What Makes for a Meaningful Life? A Search Chances,Ellen Bell Agriculture, Food and the Environment Riihimaki,Catherine Anne Life Is Short, Art Is Really Short Richardson,James Does Poverty Have a History? Rodgers,Daniel T. From the Arabian Nights to the Prince of Persia: Orientalism in Literature and Film Sheffield,Daniel Jensen Knowledge, Holiness and Pleasure: The Illustrated Book in the Medieval World Zchomelidse,Nino Science and Buddhism Wright,Robert Alan Capitalism, Utopia and Social Justice Fleurbaey,Marc Walden in Our Time Howarth,William How Not to Go to Africa Mwita,Mahiri Islam in the West Rosen,Lawrence Into the Woods! What Disney Didn't Tell You About Fairy Tales Schroder,Volker Water and the Environment Riihimaki,Catherine Anne Controversies in Science: Past and Present Philander,Samuel George H. The Chemistry of Magic Wagner,Kathryn Marie
Graves,KimberlyJoan of Arc Wegman,Rob C. Contemporary African Art Since 1980 Okeke-Agulu,Chika O. Exotic Quantum States of Matter Yazdani,Ali The Mathematics of Magic Tricks and Games Bhargava,Manjul The Literature and Politics of Encounter Lee,Natasha C. Divided We Stand: Economic Inequality and Its Discontents Leonard,Thomas Clark Race and the History of Racism in Brazil: An Alternative to the United States? Meira Monteiro,Pedro The Dreamkeepers: Education Reform and the Urban Teaching Experience Nolan,Kathleen M. The Chemistry of Color VanderKam,Susan Killian -
course title instructor Photographies: A Visual Studies Workshop Smith,Joel M. The Art of Light: A creative exploration of the role of light in artistic expression Cox,Jane Frances Philosophical Analysis Using Argument Maps Elga,Adam Newman
Cullen,SimonArchitecture and the American College Campus McCoy Jr.,Ronald J. Modern Cosmology: From the Big Bang to the Present Strauss,Michael Abram Water: Keystone For Sustainable Development Rodriguez-Iturbe,Ignacio Historic Gardens and Designed Landscapes Maynard,W. Barksdale Agriculture, Food and the Environment Zerba,Eileen Colonial Rule and Decolonization in the Muslim World Brown,L. Carl Exploring Human Genomes and the Future of Human Beings Silver,Lee Merrill Ancient Egypt and its Hieroglyphs Katz,Joshua Timothy Global Environmental Change: Science, Technology and Policy Wood,Eric F.
Gerlein-Safdi,CynthiaMaking Sense of the Civil War Bergman,Elizabeth Contact: The Archeology of Interaction in the Ancient Mediterranean Arrington,Nathan Todd Discovering Don Quixote de la Mancha: Then and Now Lee,Christina H. Materials World Aksay,Ilhan A. Silence, Sound, Noise, Music: Everyday Life And/As Art White,Barbara Ann Stalin's Gulag Kaple,Deborah A. What is Modern? Katsnelson,Anna Wexler Coeducation Malkiel,Nancy Weiss Ethics in Financial Markets de Swaan,Jean-Christophe Ghetto Duneier,Mitchell Story: Drama from the Greek Stage to the Modern Screen Ford,Andrew Laughlin Philanthropy Katz,Stanley Nider When Adolescence Goes Wrong: What They Didn't Tell You Litchman,Michael D. Science, Technology and Public Policy Shapiro,Harold T. Work Willis,Paul Edwin Religion and Politics: Conflicts of Public and Private Values Macedo,Stephen Joseph Dante's Inferno: A Guide to Hell (and Back) Marchesi,Simone Scientists Against Time Feiveson,Harold Allan Einstein Gordin,Michael D. Shifting Alignments: Film Music, Ideology, Cultural Politics Hailey,Christopher Thomas Roads Not Taken: Critics of Modern America 1880 -1940 Ryan,Alan Medieval Globalism: International Commerce Before Columbus Stahl,Alan M. The Fantasy of the Middle Ages: Stories and Storytelling Anderson,Sarah May Bodies in Cultural Landscapes Hoffbauer,Patricia Earth's Environments and Ancient Civilizations Simons,Frederik Jozef
Maloof,Adam C.Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Wisdom of Crowds Moore,Susanna Listening In: Sonic Culture in American History Thompson,Emily Difficult Art Chaudhary,Zahid Rafiq Spring
course title instructor The Body Under Suspicion: Latin American Visual Culture and the 20th Century Guerrero,Javier Enrique From the Earth to the Moon Stengel,Robert Frank Art and Science of Motorcycle Design Littman,Michael G. Light, Camera, Action Puchalla,Jason L.
Koh,GuangyongThe Evolution of Human Language Fellbaum,Christiane Dorothea God Forbid: Religion, Secularism, and Modernity in French Society and Culture Benhaim,Andre History and Cinema: Fascism in Film Marrone-Puglia,Gaetana Global Change and the Impact of Human Activities on the Biosphere: The Everglades Today and Tomorrow Kraepiel-Morel,Anne M. Life on Mars - or Maybe Not Turner,Edwin Lewis
Lemonick,Michael DruttArchitects in Quest of the Ideal City Zaknic,Ivan The Art of Deception Marsh,Clayton Experiencing India through Bollywood Farooqui,Fauzia The Psychology of Scarcity Shafir,Eldar Human Rights and Human Dignity Hennette-Vauchez,Stephanie E. What Makes for a Meaningful Life? A Search Chances,Ellen Bell Science and Buddhism Wright,Robert Alan Emerging Micro and Nano-Engineered Technologies Nunes,Janine Kelley Capitalism, Utopia, and Social Justice Fleurbaey,Marc Moby-Dick Unbound Howarth,William Reading Freud's Great Case Histories as Short Stories Kohler,Sheila Into the Woods! What Disney Didn't Tell You About Fairy Tales Schroder,Volker Freud on the Psychology of Ordinary Mental Life Sugarman,Susan Leah Drug Discovery: From Snake Venoms to Medicines Reider,Paul Joseph Visual Art and the Representation of Knowledge Berger,Susanna Cecilia The Great Theorems of Mathematics Dunham,William Wade Exotic Quantum States of Matter Yazdani,Ali Why Global Warming is Controversial Philander,Samuel George H. Monstrosity in Film and Literature Cole,Andrew Pottery: Archaeology, Art, and Technology Halperin,Christina Tsune Pirates in the Early Modern World Hubbard,Eleanor Kathryn The Politics of Seeing: The Films of the French New Wave Lee,Natasha C. Divided We Stand: Economic Inequality and Its Discontents Leonard,Thomas Clark How Not to Go to Africa: Alternative Voices on the (East) African Narrative Mwita,Mahiri The Dreamkeepers: Education Reform and the Urban Teaching Experience Nolan,Kathleen M. -
course title instructor Architecture and the American College Campus McCoy Jr.,Ronald J. The Dreamkeepers: Education Reform and the Urban Teaching Experience Nolan,Kathleen M. Water: Keystone for Sustainable Development Rodriguez-Iturbe,Ignacio 20th Century Poetry: Politics, War, Love and Religion Rudenstine,Neil L. Child Language Acquisition Goldberg,Adele E. Materials World Aksay,Ilhan A.
Bozym,David JSoccer and Latin America: Politics, History and Popular Culture Carvalho,Bruno M. What Makes a Poem Endure?--24 Lyric Masterpieces Stewart,Susan A. What Makes for a Meaningful Life? A Search Chances,Ellen Bell Ethics in Financial Markets de Swaan,Jean-Christophe Philanthropy: Can we save the world through generosity? Katz,Stanley Nider When Adolescence Goes Wrong: What They Didn't Tell You Litchman,Michael D. Dante's Inferno: A guide to hell (and back) Marchesi,Simone Science, Technology and Public Policy Shapiro,Harold T. Narratives of Identity in the Other Europe: Reading Culture in the Balkans Beissinger,Margaret Hiebert Historic Gardens and Designed Landscapes Maynard,W. Barksdale Behind the Scenes: Inside the Princeton University Art Museum Harris,Caroline I. Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Wisdom of Crowds Moore,Susanna Philosophical Analysis Using Argument Maps Dasgupta,Shamik
Isaacs,Yoaav AlexanderContemporary Art and the Amateur Scanlan,Joe Socrates: Moral Philosophy and the Philosophical Life Cooper,John Madison The Smart Band-Aid Schwartz,Jeffrey Elektra (and her family) from Homer to Freud Baraz,Yelena Endless Romance: From Daphnis and Chloe to Lolita Brownlee,Marina S. Photography and Literature Reischl,Katherine M.H. American Noir Howarth,William Utopia: How Fiction Meets the World Cormack,Bradin T. Narrative Techniques in Freud's Great Case Histories Kohler,Sheila Alchemy, Art and Science Rampling,Jennifer M. Family, Friends and Groups: The Ethics of Association Cordelli,Chiara Jewish American Literature: Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been? Gilmore,Jennifer Wynne Great Economic Challenges of 2014 Krueger,Alan B. Funny Pictures: Caricature and Modernity McCauley,Anne Can Entrepreneurial Innovation Cure What Ails America's Health "System" Danner,John David The Science and Art of Mapping the World Riihimaki,Catherine Anne Vaccination and Society: Ethics, Politics, and Public Health Schwartz,Jason Lee Japanese Monsters and Ghosts: A Social History Marcon,Federico Self to Selfies Borneman,John W. Student Life: The University in Literature and Film Chihaya,Sarah A. Nomads, Nomadism and Nomadology Kamola,Stefan Signals, Yardsticks and Tipping Points of Global Warming and Ocean Environments Zerba,Eileen American Deception Marsh,Clayton Citizenship: Law, Culture and Society McKinley,Michelle A. Constitutional Law and International Law Law,David S. The Forgotten Ghetto Duneier,Mitchell Did Kubrick Invent the iPad? -- Introduction to the Close Reading of Films Kiss,Erika Anita Spring
course title instructor Life on Mars - Or Maybe Not Lemonick,Michael Drutt History and Cinema: Fascism in Film Marrone-Puglia,Gaetana Contact: The Archaeology of Interaction in the Ancient Mediterranean Arrington,Nathan Todd From the Earth to the Moon Stengel,Robert Frank "Making Special": Everyday Experience And/As Art White,Barbara Ann Emerging Micro and Nano-Engineered Technologies Nunes,Janine Kelley Into the Woods! What Disney Didn't Tell You About Fairy Tales Schroder,Volker Freud on the Psychology of Ordinary Mental Life Sugarman,Susan Leah The Politics of Seeing: The Films of the French New Wave Lee,Natasha C. Drug Discovery: From Snake Venoms to Medicines Reider,Paul Joseph The Art of Light: A Creative Exploration of the Role of Light in Artistic Expression Cox,Jane Frances Water: Keystone for Sustainable Development Rodriguez-Iturbe,Ignacio Why Global Warming is Controversial Philander,Samuel George H. Life in a Nuclear-Armed World Mian,Zia How the Tabby Cat Got Her Stripes Tilghman,Shirley M. Art and Science of Motorcycle Design Littman,Michael G. The Everglades Today and Tomorrow: Global Change and the Impact of Human Activities on the Biosphere Kraepiel-Morel,Anne M.
McRose,DarcyDesigning Life: The Ethics of Creation and Its Control Harman,Elizabeth The Mathematics of Magic Tricks & Games Bhargava,Manjul Bodies in Cultural Landscapes Hoffbauer,Patricia The Many Lives of Mao Zedong Chen,Janet Y. Rethinking Truth and Objectivity in History Domingo Gygax,Marc Job, Suffering and Modernity Schor,Esther Helen Personal Genomes, Medicine and Algorithms Singh,Mona The Far East in the Western Imagination Lee,Christina H. Dionysus Wildberg,Christian Conquests and Heroes: A Comparative History of War Conlan,Thomas Donald Creating Documentary Performance Isaacs,Mara L. Capitalism, Utopia, and Social Justice Fleurbaey,Marc Music and the Mathematical Mind Seo,Juri The Fantasy of the Middle Ages: Stories and Storytelling Anderson,Sarah May Sources of Terror in American Literature and Culture Bendixen,Alfred Ghosts, Vampires, and Zombies in Irish Literature and Theatre O'Toole,Fintan -
course title instructor The Dreamkeepers: Education Reform and the Urban Teaching Experience Nolan,Kathleen M. 20th Century Poetry: Politics, Love, Religion and Nature Rudenstine,Neil L. Materials World Aksay,Ilhan A.
Alifierakis,MichailEthics in Financial Markets de Swaan,Jean-Christophe Philanthropy: Can we save the world through generosity? Katz,Stanley Nider Science, Technology and Public Policy Shapiro,Harold T. "Once Upon a Time . . . " Magic Tales and their Meanings Beissinger,Margaret Hiebert Behind the Scenes: Inside the Princeton University Art Museum Harris,Caroline I. Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Wisdom of Crowds Moore,Susanna Philosophical Analysis Using Argument Maps Elga,Adam Newman
Dembroff,RobinContemporary Art and the Amateur Scanlan,Joe Socrates: Moral Philosophy and the Philosophical Life Cooper,John Madison The Smart Band-Aid Schwartz,Jeffrey The World of Noir Howarth,William Narrative Techniques in Freud's Great Case Histories Kohler,Sheila Family, Friends and Groups: The Ethics of Association Cordelli,Chiara Self to Selfies Borneman,John W. Wordplay: A Wry Plod from Babel to Scrabble Katz,Joshua Timothy Emerging Micro and Nano-Engineered Technologies Nunes,Janine Kelley Coeducation Malkiel,Nancy Weiss Art, Feminism and Africana Women Okeke-Agulu,Chika O. Who Was or Is Jesus? Pagels,Elaine Hiesey The Lyric, the Long Poem and the Sequence: Twentieth Century British and Irish Poetry Wills,Clair Elizabeth Drawings Up-Close Kaufmann,Thomas DaCosta
Giles,Laura M.Modernist Portraits DiBattista,Maria A. Cold War in the USSR: The Life and Times of Nikita Khrushchev Kaple,Deborah A. Fantasy in the Hold: Black Fantasy from Equiano to Delany Rusert,Britt Marie Scientists against Time Feiveson,Harold Allan Neuroethics Gross,Charles Gordon Culture and the Soul Davis,Elizabeth Anne Playing Games in the Middle Ages Anderson,Sarah May Mother Tongues: Language and National Identity in the 21st Century Bono,Mariana Everyday Enchantment: Blurring the Boundary Between the Arts and Life White,Barbara Ann Citizenship Kochenov,Dimitry Vladimirovich Asian Urban Horror Huang,Erin Yu-Tien Crime in the Great Novel Kohler,Sheila The Mathematics of Secrecy, Search, and Society! Hanke,Jonathan P. State of the Earth: Shifts and Cycles Simons,Frederik Jozef
Maloof,Adam C.
Mehra,Akshay KarankumarDostoevsky's Brothers Karamazov: A Multidisciplinary Approach Chances,Ellen Bell Spring
course title instructor Life on Mars - Or Maybe Not Turner,Edwin Lewis
Lemonick,Michael DruttInto the Woods! What Disney Didn't Tell You About Fairy Tales Schroder,Volker Freud on the Psychology of Ordinary Mental Life Sugarman,Susan Leah Drug Discovery: From Snake Venoms to Medicines Reider,Paul Joseph How the Tabby Cat Got Her Stripes Tilghman,Shirley M. Art and Science of Motorcycle Design Littman,Michael G. The Everglades Today and Tomorrow: Global Change and the Impact of Human Activities on the Biosphere Kraepiel-Morel,Anne M. Bodies in Cultural Landscapes Hoffbauer,Patricia Capitalism, Utopia, and Social Justice Fleurbaey,Marc Utopia at 500: The Promise of Fiction Cormack,Bradin T. Philosophical Analysis Using Argument Maps Elga,Adam Newman
Dembroff,RobinAfterlives of The Iliad Emmerich,Karen Renee What Is Authority? Perry,Seth A. Medieval Art in America Kitzinger,Beatrice Ellen The Evolution of Human Language Fellbaum,Christiane Dorothea Hogs, Bats, and Ebola: An Introduction to One Health Policy Kahn,Laura Connection and Communication in the Digital Bazaar Bhatt,Swati Empires of the Ancient World Flower,Michael A. 21st Century Latina/o Drama Herrera,Brian Eugenio Creative Exploration of Color in Life and Art Klepikov,Anya Katherine What Makes for a Meaningful Life? A Search Chances,Ellen Bell Architecture and Its Representation Yerkes,Carolyn Classical India from Rigveda to Kamasutra through Verbal and Visual Art Yanchevskaya,Nataliya What Does It Mean to Be Free? Muller,Jan-Werner Soviet-Satellite Relations and Russia's Conflict with Ukraine James,Marzenna Discipline Centeno,Miguel Angel
Ferguson,Rachael H.Human Rights in China Truex,Rory Improbable Journeys: Travel in Time and Space in American Science Fiction Bendixen,Alfred Listening In: Sonic Culture in American History Thompson,Emily Science, Society & Dinner Shelton,Craig C. Science, Society & Dinner Caylor,Kelly K. Divided We Stand: Economic Inequality and Its Discontents Leonard,Thomas Clark Environmental Art: Thinking, Making, Dreaming Kirksey,S. Eben -
course title instructor 20th Century Poetry: Politics, Love, Religion and Nature Rudenstine,Neil L. Materials World Aksay,Ilhan A. Materials World Alifierakis,Michail Ethics in Financial Markets de Swaan,Jean-Christophe Philanthropy: Can we save the world through generosity? Katz,Stanley Nider Dante's Inferno: A guide to hell (and back) Marchesi,Simone Science, Technology and Public Policy Shapiro,Harold T. "Once Upon a Time . . . " Magic Tales and their Meanings Beissinger,Margaret Hiebert Philosophical Analysis Using Argument Maps Cullen,Simon The World of Noir Howarth,William Cold War in the USSR: The Life and Times of Nikita Khrushchev Kaple,Deborah A. Scientists against Time Feiveson,Harold Allan Mother Tongues: Language and National Identity in the 21st Century Bono,Mariana Everyday Enchantment: Blurring the Boundary Between the Arts and Life White,Barbara Ann Crime in the Great Novel Kohler,Sheila The Word Goldberg,Adele E. Pilgrimage Art, Architecture, and Experience Harper,Alexander Kane Millennial Feminism Deem,Melissa American And Russian Science Fiction: Story-Worlds in Dialogue Fratto,Elena Dreams And Nightmares In European Fiction Brownlee,Marina S. Design, Craft and Ethical Value Nordenson,Guy J.P. Flirtation or Seduction? Nagel,Barbara Natalie Writing Systems of the World Katz,Joshua Timothy The Unfinished Work of Art Mangone,Carolina Big Brothers are Watching You: Internet Privacy and Security Kernighan,Brian W. Poverty Policies and the Dispossesed in America Stack,Carol B. The Science and Art of Mapping the World Riihimaki,Catherine Anne Life in a Nuclear-Armed World Mian,Zia Public Leadership and Public Policy Scovronick,Nathan B. The Science of Mythbusters Shaevitz,Joshua William Things Come to Life: Explorations in Modern and Contemporary Art and Literature Doherty,Brigid Histories of the Future Milam,Erika Lorraine Is Your Zip Code Your Destiny? Exploring the Social Determinants of Health Howard,Heather Harding Princeton, Slavery and Historical Memory Sandweiss,Martha A. Expressing the Passions of the Soul: The Study of Human Emotions in Art and Science Todorov,Alexander T. Sizing Up The Universe Vanderbei,Robert Joseph Graphic America: Comics, Graphic Narrative, and American Culture Bendixen,Alfred Revolutionary Russia: Utopianism, Terrorism, and Subversion in the Empire of the Tsars, 1840s-1917. Pravilova,Ekaterina Death and the Character Kitzinger,Chloe Philosophy and Criminal Justice Rosen,Gideon Avram Life Stories Rowland,Amy Crime, Deviancy, and Punishment in East Asia Leheny,David The Other 'F' Word - Success and Innovation's Sibling? Danner,John David Bodies in Cultural Landscape Hoffbauer,Patricia What Makes for a Meaningful Life? A Search Chances,Ellen Bell Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel and Reverend Martin Luther King Jr. West,Cornel R. Spring
course title instructor Life on Mars - Or Maybe Not Turner,Edwin Lewis
Lemonick,Michael DruttFreud on the Psychology of Ordinary Mental Life Sugarman,Susan Leah Drug Discovery: From Snake Venoms to Medicines Reider,Paul Joseph Art and Science of Motorcycle Design Littman,Michael G. The Evolution of Human Language Fellbaum,Christiane Dorothea Hogs, Bats, and Ebola: An Introduction to One Health Policy Kahn,Laura Connection and Communication in the Digital Bazaar Bhatt,Swati Empires of the Ancient World Flower,Michael A. Creative Exploration of Color in Life and Art Klepikov,Anya Katherine Soviet-Satellite Relations and Russia's Conflict with Ukraine James,Marzenna Discipline Centeno,Miguel Angel
Ferguson,Rachael H.Divided We Stand: Economic Inequality and Its Discontents Leonard,Thomas Clark Spy Stories: Cultures of Surveillance, Espionage, and Secret Agents Minto,David Luke Michael Philosophical Analysis Using Argument Maps Cullen,Simon Cuisine: Reading, Writing, Cooking, Eating Barkan,Leonard The Self: What Psychological Science Tells Us About Who You Are Tamir,Diana I. American Musics Bergman,Elizabeth Behind the Scenes: Inside the Princeton University Art Museum Harris,Caroline I. State of the Earth: Shifts and Cycles (in France and Spain) Simons,Frederik Jozef
Maloof,Adam C.Law and Politics of Punishment Price,Melynda J. Oracle Bones to Smartphones: Reading Media in East Asia Steininger,Brian R. Underworlds Schor,Esther Helen Religion and Politics: Conflicts of Public and Private Values Macedo,Stephen Joseph Transformative Questions in Biology Creager,Angela N. H.
Levine,Michael StevenThe Invention of Romantic Love Anderson,Sarah May The Idea and the Reality of Justice Forte,David F. The Mathematics of Secrecy, Search, and Society! Hanke,Jonathan P. Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Wisdom of Crowds Moore,Susanna The Way We Watch Now: "Quality Television," Critical Theory, and Contemporary Culture Hoffman-Schwartz,Daniel What Makes a Great Experiment? Tilghman,Shirley M. Humans and Machines: Work and Technology in the 21st Century Nesbitt,F. Nick When Is Art? Small,Irene Violet Statistics, Journalism, and the Public Interest Wang,Samuel Sheng-Hung Remapping Princeton Isenberg,Alison Ellen
Landsman,AaronJewish American Literature: Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been? Gilmore,Jennifer Wynne Archaeology in Egypt: Reconstructing the Past Vischak,Deborah A. Atomic-bombing and Firebombing Cities in World War II: Morality, Science, and Race Garon,Sheldon Marc Dreamkeepers: Education Reform and the Urban Teaching Experience Nolan,Kathleen M. Bioethics and Public Policy Shapiro,Harold T. -
course title instructor Materials World Aksay,Ilhan A. Ethics in Financial Markets de Swaan,Jean-Christophe Science, Technology and Public Policy Shapiro,Harold T. The World of Noir Howarth,William Mother Tongues: Language and National Identity in the 21st Century Bono,Mariana Everyday Enchantment: Blurring the Boundary Between the Arts and Life White,Barbara Ann State of the Earth: Shifts and Cycles Simons,Frederik Jozef
Maloof,Adam C.American And Russian Science Fiction: Story-Worlds in Dialogue Fratto,Elena Design, Craft and Ethical Value Nordenson,Guy J.P. Big Brothers are Watching You: Internet Privacy and Security Kernighan,Brian W. Poverty Policies and the Dispossesed in America Stack,Carol B. Life in a Nuclear-Armed World Mian,Zia Public Leadership and Public Policy Scovronick,Nathan B. Is Your Zip Code Your Destiny? Exploring the Social Determinants of Health Howard,Heather Harding Sizing Up The Universe Vanderbei,Robert Joseph Graphic America: Comics, Graphic Narrative, and American Culture Bendixen,Alfred Revolutionary Russia: Utopianism, Terrorism, and Subversion in the Empire of the Tsars, 1840s-1917. Pravilova,Ekaterina Life Stories Rowland,Amy The Other 'F' Word - Success and Innovation's Sibling? Danner,John David Memory and Human Rights Politics in Contemporary Latin American Cultures Draper,Susana Neurocinematics - Using Films to Explore Frontiers in Cognitive Neuroscience Hasson,Uri Trumpland Johnson,Andrew Alan Intellectual Foundations of Modern Conservatism Kelly,Thomas P. Epidemics in World History Lopez-Denis,Adrian Sanctuary Marmon,Shaun Elizabeth Into the Woods! What Disney Didn't Tell You About Fairy Tales Schroder,Volker Islam and Other Religions:The First 500 Years Krakowski,Eve American Politics in the Age of Donald Trump Achen,Christopher H. American Places: Architecture, Landscape and the American Imagination Allen,Stanley T. Before the Holocaust:Germans, Jews, Music, and Identity Hailey,Christopher Thomas The Smart Band-Aid Schwartz,Jeffrey Law, Religion, and Human Rights in Comparative Perspective Sezgin,Yuksel So, You Want To Change the World? Johnson,Martin P. Time Capsules for Climate Change, to be Opened at Your Reunions Socolow,Robert Harry Rockonomics: The Economics of Music Krueger,Alan B. Piracy in the Early Modern World Hubbard,Eleanor Kathryn Silenced Voices Kohler,Sheila Gods, Spirits and Art in Africa Okeke-Agulu,Chika O. The Equations of Life Tarnita,Corina E. Exotic Quantum States of Matter Yazdani,Ali The Human Toolmaker Kastner,Sabine Reinforcement Learning and Decision Making Niv,Yael Neuroethics Gross,Charles Gordon The Dreamkeepers: Education Reform and the Urban Teaching Experience Nolan,Kathleen M. Musical Instruments, Sound, Perception, and Creativity Trueman,Daniel Laurence Princeton and the Dawn of the Information Age Poor,H. Vincent Spring
course title instructor Life on Mars - Or Maybe Not Lemonick,Michael Drutt Drug Discovery: From Snake Venoms to Medicines Reider,Paul Joseph Art and Science of Motorcycle Design Littman,Michael G. The Evolution of Human Language Fellbaum,Christiane Dorothea Hogs, Bats, and Ebola: An Introduction to One Health Policy Kahn,Laura Connection and Communication in the Digital Bazaar Bhatt,Swati Russia and Eastern Europe: Conflict and Interdependence James,Marzenna Divided We Stand: Economic Inequality and Its Discontents Leonard,Thomas Clark Behind the Scenes: Inside the Princeton University Art Museum Harris,Caroline I. Reading Love and Friendship Anderson,Sarah May The Mathematics of Secrecy, Search, and Society! Hanke,Jonathan P. Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Wisdom of Crowds Moore,Susanna What Makes a Great Experiment? Tilghman,Shirley M. Bioethics and Public Policy Shapiro,Harold T. From Codex to Code: Technologies of Learning Bourbouhakis,Emmanuel C. Constitutional Democracy and the Politics of Resentment Koncewicz,Tomasz Tadeusz Being Human Lewis,Rhodri War, National Security, and the Constitution Paulsen,Michael Stokes Consuming America: Five Critical Food Puzzles Desmond,Tessa Lowinske Invention and Innovation: Intersections of Art and Science White,Veronica M.
Riihimaki,Catherine AnneMedieval Globalism: International Trade Before Columbus Stahl,Alan M. Land and Power Perez,Bernadette Jeanne Scientists Against Time Feiveson,Harold Allan Performing Arts and/as Civic Engagement Nagel,Erica S. History and Cinema: Fascism in Film Marrone-Puglia,Gaetana Speech, Text, and Sacred Tradition Vearncombe,Erin K. Public Leadership and Public Policy Scovronick,Nathan B. So, You Want To Change the World? Johnson,Martin P. Politics and Religious Action in U.S. History Kabala,Boleslaw Z. Democracy Under Stress Suleiman,Ezra N. Alexander Hamilton: The Life, Thought, and Legacy of an American Original Wilson,Bradford P. -
course title instructor Materials World Aksay,Ilhan A. Ethics in Financial Markets de Swaan,Jean-Christophe Science, Technology and Public Policy Shapiro,Harold T. Mother Tongues: Language and National Identity in the 21st Century Bono,Mariana American And Russian Science Fiction: Story-Worlds in Dialogue Fratto,Elena Poverty Policies and the Dispossesed in America Stack,Carol B. Public Leadership and Public Policy Scovronick,Nathan B. Sizing Up The Universe Vanderbei,Robert Joseph Graphic America: Comics, Graphic Narrative, and American Culture Bendixen,Alfred The Other 'F' Word - Success and Innovation's Sibling? Danner,John David Intellectual Foundations of Modern Conservatism Kelly,Thomas P. Into the Woods! What Disney Didn't Tell You About Fairy Tales Schroder,Volker Before the Holocaust:Germans, Jews, Music, and Identity Hailey,Christopher Thomas Time Capsules for Climate Change, to be Opened at Your Reunions Socolow,Robert Harry Piracy in the Early Modern World Hubbard,Eleanor Kathryn Silenced Voices Kohler,Sheila Exotic Quantum States of Matter Yazdani,Ali Princeton and the Dawn of the Information Age Poor,H. Vincent The Dirty South: Music, Words, and Memory Axcelson,John W. Alexander the Great: Life and Legacy Beckman,Daniel Thomas The Science of Memory in Movies Coman,Alin I. Economics of Immigration in the US: Past and Present Boustan,Leah Platt Disability and the Making of the Modern Subject: From Wordsworth to X-Men Prizel,Natalie V. The Evolution of Human Language Fellbaum,Christiane Dorothea From Latin Lovers to Tiger Mothers: Ideas of Emotions in the History of Racism Gutarra Cordero,Dannelle Archaeology as History: Studying the Past by Digging in the Dirt Kay,Janet Elizabeth Marx in the 21st Century Hoffman-Schwartz,Daniel Cinema & Philosophy: An Introduction to Media Theory Levin,Thomas Yaron Being Human Lewis,Rhodri Playing the Shakuhachi- is it really "blowing Zen"? Lee,Riley K. The Landscape of Thought: What Psychological Science Tells us About Where the Mind Wanders Tamir,Diana I. Projecting Power Wasow,Omar Wordplay: A Wry Plod from Babel to Scrabble Katz,Joshua Timothy What Makes for a Meaningful Life? A Search Chances,Ellen Bell Once Upon a Time: Magic Tales and their Meanings Beissinger,Margaret Hiebert All the Pretty Monsters: Perspective from the East Marcon,Federico Monsters Among Us: Perspectives from the West Marchesi,Simone Imagining New York: The City in Fiction Bendixen,Alfred Exhibiting Japan: Pictures of Famous, Sacred, and Imaginary Places Watsky,Andrew Mark Martyrdom and Religious Violence in the Ancient Mediterranean World Boustan,Ra'anan Shaul Modernity and Myth Stergiopoulou,Katerina Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Wisdom of Crowds Moore,Susanna The Mathematics of Magic Tricks and Games Bhargava,Manjul Spring
course title instructor Life on Mars - Or Maybe Not Turner,Edwin Lewis
Lemonick,Michael DruttDrug Discovery: From Snake Venoms to Medicines Reider,Paul Joseph Art and Science of Motorcycle Design Littman,Michael G.
Prevost,Jonathan D.Hogs, Bats, and Ebola: An Introduction to One Health Policy Kahn,Laura Connection and Communication in the Digital Bazaar Bhatt,Swati Behind the Scenes: Inside the Princeton University Art Museum Harris,Caroline I. The Mathematics of Secrecy, Search, and Society! Hanke,Jonathan P. Consuming America: Five Critical Food Puzzles Desmond,Tessa Lowinske Scientists Against Time Feiveson,Harold Allan History and Cinema: Fascism in Film Marrone-Puglia,Gaetana So, You Want To Change the World? Johnson,Martin P. Alexander Hamilton: The Life, Thought, and Legacy of an American Original Wilson,Bradford P. Into the Woods! What Disney Didn't Tell You About Fairy Tales Schroder,Volker The Artist as Idea: Leonardo to Kara Walker Alsdorf,Bridget Word-Image: Encounters, Exchanges, and Clashes White,Veronica M. Word-Image: Encounters, Exchanges, and Clashes Anderson,Sarah May Cuisine: Reading, Writing, Cooking, Eating Barkan,Leonard Democracy and the Good Life Beitz,Charles R. Uncompromising Political Perfection: Plato, Huxley, and Our Future Franck,Matthew James Tolerance and Intolerance before the Enlightenment: Jewish, Christian and Islamic Perspectives Goldman,Brendan G. Our Biased Brains: The Science of Cognitive Bias and Decision Making Durst,Paul Alexander Pinette Alternative Facts, Lies, and History Domingo Gygax,Marc The Private Life of Empire Stanton,Katherine Ann Designing Life: The Ethics of Creation and its Control Harman,Elizabeth The Politics of Poverty Donahue,Elisabeth Hirschhorn Weird Data Casey,Jim Sense Making: A unifying principle of human perception and cognition Todorov,Alexander T. The Silk Road: History and Politics in a Connected World Wen,Xin Varieties of American Conservatism Will,George F. Contemporary Art and the Amateur Scanlan,Joe Music and Politics Michailidis,Nikolaos Migration, Translation, Community Emmerich,Karen Renee
Bermann,Sandra LekasClimate Change, Evolution, and the Future of the Biosphere Hedin,Lars O. Cold War in the USSR: The Life and Times of Nikita Khrushchev Kaple,Deborah A. From the Earth to the Moon Stengel,Robert Frank Life in a Nuclear-Armed World Mian,Zia
2019/20 -
course title instructor Ethics in Finance de Swaan,Jean-Christophe Science, Technology and Public Policy Shapiro,Harold T. Mother Tongues: Language and National Identity in the 21st Century Bono,Mariana American And Russian Science Fiction: Story-Worlds in Dialogue Fratto,Elena The Other 'F' Word - Success and Innovation's Sibling? Danner,John David Intellectual Foundations of Modern Conservatism Kelly,Thomas P. Before the Holocaust:Germans, Jews, Music, and Identity Hailey,Christopher Thomas Time Capsules for Climate Change, to be Opened at Your Reunions Socolow,Robert Harry Economics of Immigration in the US: Past and Present Boustan,Leah Platt Marx in the 21st Century Hoffman-Schwartz,Daniel What Makes for a Meaningful Life? A Search Chances,Ellen Bell Once Upon a Time: Magic Tales and their Meanings Beissinger,Margaret Hiebert Martyrdom and Religious Violence in the Ancient Mediterranean World Boustan,Ra'anan Shaul Modernity and Myth Stergiopoulou,Katerina Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Wisdom of Crowds Moore,Susanna The Mathematics of Secrecy, Search, and Society! Hanke,Jonathan P. Life in a Nuclear-Armed World Mian,Zia Everyday Enchantment: Blurring the Boundary Between the Arts and Life White,Barbara Ann Consuming American: Food, Fiction, and Fact Desmond,Tessa Lowinske Afronaut Ascension: A Creative Exploration of Afrofuturism & the Avant Garde Ali,Shariffa Adventures, Afterlives, and Others in the Middle Ages Anderson,Sarah May Architectress: Women and Architecture Baudez,Basile Charles Sacred Guests, Scared Hosts: The Risks and Rewards of Hospitality in Secular Times Benhaim,Andre Poetry in the Political & Sexual Revolution of 1960s & 70s America Dimitrov,Alex Before Hamilton: Histories of the Early American Republic Dun,James Alexander How Does Experience Build a Brain? Emberson,Lauren Louise Creating Audio-Visual Generative Art in the Digital Medium Finkelstein,Adam
Snyder,Jeffrey OwenRace in Latin America Gutarra Cordero,Dannelle Ever Since Nefertiti: Ancient Egypt in (Post)Modern Eyes, Ears, Minds, and Bodies Hare,Thomas William Russia and Eastern Europe: From Communism to Hybrid Warfare James,Marzenna How People Change: Short Stories and Life's Transitions Kohler,Sheila Excluded, Interned, Occupied: Asians in American History Lew-Williams,Beth Speaking our Minds Londregan,John Benedict Earth: Crops, Culture, and Climate (in Italy) Howes,Bolton John
Simons,Frederik Jozef
Maloof,Adam C.Thrive! Public Policy and Opportunity Mann,Anastasia Rachael Dante's Inferno Marchesi,Simone Ancient Tyranny and Modern Totalitarianism Pinkoski,Nathan Technologies of the Self in East Asia Steininger,Brian R. Revolutions and Music Velasco,Mari Jo Reimagining your World: Creativity Scholarship, Skills, and Practical Applications Pontis,Sheila Victoria Object Immigrants: Six Objects from China in American Collections Liu,Chao-Hui Jenny Complex Cases: Law, Justice, and Equality in Modern America Kornbluh,Felicia A. Spring
course title instructor Life on Mars - Or Maybe Not Turner,Edwin Lewis
Lemonick,Michael DruttDrug Discovery: From Snake Venoms to Medicines Reider,Paul Joseph Art and Science of Motorcycle Design Littman,Michael G. Hogs, Bats, and Ebola: An Introduction to One Health Policy Kahn,Laura Connection and Communication in the Digital Bazaar Bhatt,Swati Behind the Scenes: Inside the Princeton University Art Museum Harris,Caroline I. Scientists Against Time Feiveson,Harold Allan History and Cinema: Fascism in Film Marrone-Puglia,Gaetana Cold War in the USSR: The Life and Times of Nikita Khrushchev Kaple,Deborah A. Dante's Inferno Marchesi,Simone Imagining New York: The City in Fiction Bendixen,Alfred Atomic-bombing and Firebombing Cities in World War II: Morality, Science, and Race Garon,Sheldon Marc Sentencing and Punishment Chanenson,Steven L. Patagonia: From Landscape to Lifestyle Brand Edwards,Ryan C. Free Will and the Problem of Evil Elga,Adam Newman Imprisoned Minds: Religion and Philosophy from Jail Edwards,Mark James The Evolution of Human Language Fellbaum,Christiane Dorothea How To Not Be a Leader Nagel,Barbara Natalie Physics of Baseball and Softball Wagoner,Kasey Marx in the 21st Century Hoffman-Schwartz,Daniel Before and After the Wall: US-Mexico Border Fictions Cervantes Perez,Nadia The Radical Imagination Kosoko,Jaamil Olawale Bioethics: Public Policy, Ethics and the Law Shapiro,Harold T. What to Read and Believe in the Digital Age Stephens,Joe Our Subjective Reality Niv,Yael Projecting Power Wasow,Omar Pathologies of Difference: Art, Medicine, and Race in the British Empire Kesson,Anna Arabindan Religion and Secularism Thaver,Tehseen Is Politics a Performance? A Seminar on Participation Landsman,Aaron The Science and Art of Mapping the World Riihimaki,Catherine Anne The American Dream: Visions and Subversions in American Literature Oates,Joyce Carol The Cold War and its Legacy Hutchings,Robert L. -
course title instructor Ethics in Finance de Swaan,Jean-Christophe Science, Technology and Public Policy Shapiro,Harold T. American And Russian Science Fiction: Story-Worlds in Dialogue Fratto,Elena The Other 'F' Word - Success and Innovation's Sibling? Danner,John David Intellectual Foundations of Modern Conservatism Kelly,Thomas P. Music, Memory and the Holocaust Hailey,Christopher Thomas Time Capsules for Climate Change, to be Opened at Your Reunions Socolow,Robert Harry Once Upon a Time: Magic Tales and their Meanings Beissinger,Margaret Hiebert Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Wisdom of Crowds Moore,Susanna Afronaut Ascension: A Creative Exploration of Afrofuturism & the Avant Garde Ali,Shariffa How People Change: Short Stories and Life's Transitions Kohler,Sheila Earth's Climate: A Tale of Many Weathers Sawade,Lucas
Simons,Frederik Jozef
Maloof,Adam C.Graphic America: Comics, Graphic Narrative, and American Culture Bendixen,Alfred Everyday Enchantment: Blurring the Boundary Between the Arts and Life White,Barbara Ann The Unfinished Work of Art Mangone,Carolina Sizing Up The Universe Vanderbei,Robert Joseph Difficult Art Chaudhary,Zahid Rafiq Global Health, Food Security, and the Environment: An Introduction to One Health Policy Kahn,Laura Alternative Facts, Lies, and History Domingo Gygax,Marc The Bad Old Days? LGBTQ Writing Before Stonewall Pietras,Brian Civil Disobedience: Breaking the Law from Socrates to the Civil Rights Movement Wirzbicki,Peter 'Kim Kardashian is Dead!' Mobilizing Millions: Art, Film, Human Rights and Social Change Pal-Chaudhuri,Indrani Freedom in the Age of Revolutions Lande,Joel Benjamin Cannibals and Kings: Uncomfortable Topics in the Pre-Conquest Americas Corcoran-Tadd,Noa Emrys Just Looking Baer,Ronni Is Politics a Performance? Landsman,Aaron Pandemic Pedagogy: School and Society in a Time of Disruption and Trauma Glat,Mark Wordplay: A Wry Plod from Babel to Scrabble Katz,Joshua Timothy Learning to 'Spell': Visions of School in Fantasy and Science Fiction Hakim,Andrew Mark Saving Seeds Desmond,Tessa Lowinske Behind the Scenes: Inside the Princeton University Art Museum White,Veronica M.
Harris,Caroline I.West African Drumming Tarpaga,Olivier Pawangnimdi Frank Archaeology as History Kay,Janet Elizabeth Gender and Sex Diversity Olson,Kristina Reiss The Lives of Early Christian Women Luijendijk,AnneMarie Happiness and Being Human in Catholic Thought Gibson,Marcus First Year Painting Studio Seminar Lins,Pamela E. Systems Ghazanfar,Asif A. Ways of Knowing: Knowledge and Power Kennedy,Patricia Lee Ways of Knowing: Knowledge and Power Stroud,Beth Ways of Knowing: Knowledge and Power Stroud,Beth Spring
course title instructor Life on Mars - Or Maybe Not Turner,Edwin Lewis
Lemonick,Michael DruttDrug Discovery: From Snake Venoms to Medicines Reider,Paul Joseph Art and Science of Motorcycle Design Littman,Michael G.
Liu,TaoConnection and Communication in the Digital Bazaar Bhatt,Swati Scientists Against Time Feiveson,Harold Allan History and Cinema: Fascism in Film Marrone-Puglia,Gaetana Into the Woods! What Disney Didn't Tell You About Fairy Tales Schroder,Volker The Evolution of Human Language Fellbaum,Christiane Dorothea Marx in the 21st Century Hoffman-Schwartz,Daniel Story: Drama from the Greek Stage to the Modern Screen Ford,Andrew Laughlin Listening In: Sonic Culture in American History Thompson,Emily Mother Tongues Bono,Mariana Divided We Stand: Economic Inequality and Its Discontents Leonard,Thomas Clark Poetry in the Political & Sexual Revolution of the 1960s & 70s Dimitrov,Alex Before Hamilton: Histories of the Early American Republic Dun,James Alexander History and Memory: Inventing the Past, Constructing the Present Flower,Michael A. From Gulag to Sputnik: Greatest Hits of the Soviet Socialist Experiment Kaple,Deborah A. Drawing the Divine Religion and Spirituality in Comics, Graphic Novels, Manga, and Anime Benhaim,Andre Representation in Documentary Filmmaking Perlmutt,BJ Before and After the Wall: US-Mexico Border Fictions Cervantes Perez,Nadia Steal This Seminar: Pirates, Copiers, and Copyrights in Law and Culture Spoo,Robert E. Fighting for Health: Illness, Iniquities, and Inequality Gerwin,Leslie E. Money, Markets and Morals Kelts,Steven A. The Most Sacred of All Property: The Philosophical Case for Protecting Religious Liberty Howes,Thomas D. Conspiracy Theories in Context Davis,Elizabeth Anne Drawing Data Szetela,Tim The Drama Within: Embodying the Immune System on Stage and Screen Graham,Andrea Linn The Antislavery Origins of the American Civil War Wilentz,Sean Quantum Engineering: Foundations and Impact Gmachl,Claire F. Failure: The Other 'F' Word - Success & Innovation's Sibling? Danner,John David The Radical Imagination Kosoko,Jaamil Olawale Projecting Power Wasow,Omar The American Dream: Visions and Subversions in American Literature Oates,Joyce Carol Free Speech in Law, Ethics, and Politics Eisgruber,Christopher L. Bioethics: Public Policy, Ethics and the Law Shapiro,Harold T. The Idea of Monarchy in Jewish Political Thought Schvarcz,Benjamin Aliens, Alienated, or Us? Medieval Fantasies of Identity Anderson,Sarah May Modernity and Myth: Tradition and Transformation Stergiopoulou,Katerina The Smart Band-Aid for Tissue Regeneration Schwartz,Jeffrey -
course title instructor Ethics in Finance de Swaan,Jean-Christophe Science, Technology and Public Policy Shapiro,Harold T. The Other 'F' Word - Success and Innovation's Sibling? Danner,John David Music, Memory and the Holocaust Hailey,Christopher Thomas Time Capsules for Climate Change, to be Opened at Your Reunions Socolow,Robert Harry Princeton and the Dawn of the Information Age Poor,H. Vincent History and Cinema: Fascism in Film Marrone-Puglia,Gaetana What Makes for a Meaningful Life? A Search Chances,Ellen Bell Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Wisdom of Crowds Moore,Susanna Afronaut Ascension: A Creative Exploration of Afrofuturism & the Avant Garde Ali,Shariffa How People Change: Short Stories and Life's Transitions Kohler,Sheila How Green is Your Campus? Schuh,Terance Joseph
Simons,Frederik Jozef
Maloof,Adam C.Everyday Enchantment: Blurring the Boundary Between the Arts and Life White,Barbara Ann Sizing Up The Universe Vanderbei,Robert Joseph The Bad Old Days? LGBTQ Writing Before Stonewall Pietras,Brian Atheism and the Death of God Therezo,Rodrigo Is Politics a Performance? Landsman,Aaron Pandemic Pedagogy: School and Society in a Time of Disruption and Trauma Glat,Mark Wordplay: A Wry Plod from Babel to Scrabble Katz,Joshua Timothy Learning to 'Spell': Visions of School in Fantasy and Science Fiction Hakim,Andrew Mark Behind the Scenes: Inside the Princeton University Art Museum White,Veronica M.
Harris,Caroline I.Archaeology as History Kay,Janet Elizabeth The Lives of Early Christian Women Luijendijk,AnneMarie Happiness and Being Human in Catholic Thought Gibson,Marcus First Year Painting Studio Seminar Lins,Pamela E. Ways of Knowing: Knowledge and Power Fedosik,Marina Ways of Knowing: Knowledge and Power Fedosik,Marina Mother Tongues Bono,Mariana Poetry in the Political & Sexual Revolution of the 1960s & 70s Dimitrov,Alex Drawing the Divine Religion and Spirituality in Comics, Graphic Novels, Manga, and Anime Benhaim,Andre Drawing Data Szetela,Tim American Identity at a Crossroads? Hussain,Nasser Global Poverty - Who is Responsible? Gauri,Varun Race, Representation, and Education Policy Miller,Renita Lee Body Builders: Living Systems as Art Media Georges,Penelope Monsters Among us Marchesi,Simone What Will Happen to Her Next? Nagel,Barbara Natalie The Human Context Shafir,Eldar Imagining Joan of Arc Poor,Sara S. Europe, Russia and in-Between: Historical Encounters, Late Eighteenth Century to the Present Vushko,Iryna Performance and Photography Calivas,Jennifer Aerial Knot Theory Kelleher,Casey Lynn
Schwartz,HannahOn Love and Politics Masi,Perla A Portrait of the Artist As... Doherty,Brigid Tragedy and the Meaning of Life Lewis,Rhodri ACTING Against Oppression: Notes from the other America Font,Vivia Sufis, Slaves and Soldiers: Premodern Mobility in South and Central Asia Siddiqui,Ali Gibran Belief and Ideology Cusimano,Corey Joseph Stillness Vandenbroucke,Aynsley Louise Imagining New York: the City in Fiction Bendixen,Alfred Self to Selfie Borneman,John W. Ancient Egypt and Its Hieroglyphs Katz,Joshua Timothy Diplomatic Encounters -- Or, So You Want To Be a Diplomat Hutchings,Robert L. Spring
course title instructor Science, Technology and Public Policy Shapiro,Harold T. Life on Mars - Or Maybe Not Lemonick,Michael Drutt Art and Science of Motorcycle Design Littman,Michael G. Connection and Communication in the Digital Bazaar Bhatt,Swati Intellectual Foundations of Modern Conservatism Kelly,Thomas P. Scientists Against Time Feiveson,Harold Allan The Evolution of Human Language Fellbaum,Christiane Dorothea Marx in the 21st Century Hoffman-Schwartz,Daniel Global Health, Food Security, and the Environment: An Introduction to One Health Policy Kahn,Laura Poetry in the Political & Sexual Revolution of the 1960s & 70s Dimitrov,Alex Representation in Documentary Filmmaking Perlmutt,BJ Before and After the Wall: US-Mexico Border Fictions Cervantes Perez,Nadia Quantum Engineering: Foundations and Impact Gmachl,Claire F. 1964: Tipping Point Zelizer,Julian E. Getting Even: the Plots and Principles of Revenge Anderson,Sarah May Truth and Imagination: Writing Fiction, Writing History Gee,Sophie Graham Truth and Imagination: Writing Fiction, Writing History Dabhoiwala,Fara Imprisoned Minds: Religion and Philosophy from Jail Edwards,Mark James Tech/Ethics Kelts,Steven A. Sick: Interrogating Illness Narratives Winston,Shannon Katherine The Crisis of Liberal Democracy in Global Context Mehta,Pratap Bhanu What Is Critique? Wankhammer,Johannes Courts, Law, and the Black Lives Matter Movement Dodd,Lynda G. Fixing Bugs in Democracy: U.S. Electoral Reform for the 21st Century Clark,Jesse Tyler Fixing Bugs in Democracy: U.S. Electoral Reform for the 21st Century Podowitz-Thomas,Adam Central Dilemmas of Israeli Politics Schvarcz,Benjamin Exploring the Uncanny through Short Fiction Kalotay,Daphne The Way We Talk: Identity through Our Own Dialect Holgado-Lage,Anais Nuclear Princeton: An Indigenous Approach to Science and the Environment Morimoto,Ryo All That Glitters: The Science of Diamond and Gemstones Duffy,Thomas S. China's Objects: Opulence and Innovation Kwok,Zoe Song-Yi Freedom in the Age of Revolutions Lande,Joel Benjamin -
course title
Afronaut Ascension: A Creative Exploration of Afrofuturism & the Avant Garde
Shariffa Ali
Poetry in the Political & Sexual Revolution of the 1960s & 70s
Alexander Dimitrov
Contemporary Natural Law Theory
Thomas D. Howes
American Identity at a Crossroads?
Nasser Hussain
Poor, Poor, Poor
Anastasia R. Mann
FAILURE: The “Other ‘F’ Word” – Success & Innovation’s Sibling?
John D. Danner
Exploring the Graphic Novel
Alfred Bendixen
Global Poverty - Who Is Responsible?
Varun Gauri
What Makes for a Meaningful Life? A Search
Ellen B. Chances
Music, Memory, and the Holocaust
Christopher Hailey
What Is Horror?
Andrea Capra
Behind the Scenes: Inside the Princeton University Art Museum
Caroline I. Harris, Veronica White
Global Warming: Truths and Lies
Anne M. Kraepiel-Morel
dot dot dash - Exercises in Mark Making
M.J. Daines
Body Builders: Living Systems as Art Media
Penelope Georges
Visualizing Nature: Techniques in Field Biology
Craig A. Marshall
Sizing Up The Universe
Robert J. Vanderbei
Knowing Minds
Harvey Lederman, Diana Tamir
Before Hamilton: Power and History
James A. Dun
Intellectual Foundations of Modern Conservatism
Thomas P. Kelly
The Coming of Driverless Cars
Helen Gu
Is Politics a Performance?
Aaron Landsman
Jonathan M. Gribetz
How People Change: The Short Story and Life's Transitions
Sheila Kohler
Ethics in Finance
Jean-Christophe de Swaan
Care and Creativity in the Middle Ages: Hildegard of Bingen
Jamie L. Reuland
Mathematics and Astronomy
Eden Prywes
All That Glitters: The Science of Diamond and Gemstones
Thomas S. Duffy
Earth: Crops, Culture, and Climate (in Italy)
Adam C. Maloof, Frederik Simons
Once Upon a Time . . . Magic Tales and their Meanings
Margaret H. Beissinger
Swarm Intelligence
Radhika Nagpal
Hierarchy, Difference and Power: Caste and Race Across Continents
Rishi R. Gune
Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Wisdom of Crowds
Susanna Moore
Mormonism and the Study of Religion
Seth A. Perry
Drawing Data
Tim Szetela
Gridlocked: The Structure Behind Culture
Adrienne M. Raphel
Princeton and the Dawn of the Information Age
H. Vincent Poor
On Love and Politics
Perla Masi
Tragedy and the Meaning of Life
Rhodri Lewis
ACTING Against Oppression; Notes from the other America
Vivia Font
Sufis, Slaves and Soldiers: A History of Mobility in Central Asia and India
Ali Gibran Siddiqui
Love and Work
Susan T. Fiske
Food for Thought: What we eat and why
Raquel Mattson-Prieto
Aynsley L. Vandenbroucke
American and Russian Science Fiction: Story-Worlds in Dialogue
Elena Fratto
Diplomatic Encounters; Or, So You Want To Be a Diplomat
Robert L. Hutchings
course title
The Drama Within: Embodying the Immune System on Stage and Screen
Andrea L. Graham
Art and Science of Motorcycle Design
Michael G. Littman
Race Across the Americas
Alberto E. Morales
Getting Even
Sarah M. Anderson
Imprisoned Minds: Religion and Philosophy from Jail
Mark J. Edwards
The Evolution of Human Language
Christiane D. Fellbaum
Life on Mars- or Maybe Not
Michael D. Lemonick
Divided We Stand: Economic Inequality and its Discontents
Thomas C. Leonard
Marx in the 21st Century
Daniel Hoffman-Schwartz
Psychological Science in Popular Movies
Alin I. Coman
Contours of American Thought
Allen C. Guelzo
Asif A. Ghazanfar
Representation in Documentary Filmmaking
BJ Perlmutt
Cirque des Mathématiques
Casey L. Kelleher, Hannah Schwartz
Empathy and Perspective-Taking: The Philosophy of Intersubjectivity
Grace E. Helton
Women in Literature: Outlaw(ed) women in fiction & prose
Ijeoma D. Odoh
Global Tactics in Hybrid Media and Performance Making
Jaamil Kosoko
The Way We Talk: Identity Through Our Own Dialect
Anais Holgado-Lage
What to Read and Believe in the Digital Age
Joe Stephens
Water-Energy-Food Nexus
Lamyaa El-Gabry
Before and After the Wall: US-Mexico Border Fictions
Nadia Cervantes Perez
Rethinking Truth and Objectivity in History
Marc Domingo Gygax
The Village, Real and Imagined
Molly Greene
End Times: Apocalyptic Visions - Ancient and Modern
Ra'anan S. Boustan
Other Hells: Literary Approaches to the World of the Dead
Simone Marchesi
Origins of Modern Communications and the Principles of Innovation
Swati Bhatt
Performance and Photography
Jennifer Calivas
Quantum Engineering: Foundations and Impact
Claire Gmachl
A Portrait of the Artist As . . .
Brigid Doherty
Planet Amazonia: Engaging Indigenous Ecologies of Knowledges
Miqueias Mugge, Carlos Fausto
course title instructor Is Politics a Performance? Aaron Landsman Exploring the Graphic Novel Alfred Bendixen Get Your Kicks Andrew C. Buher Unbeaten Paths: Crosslinking Majors and the Arts, Revitalizing a Renaissance View Anne Eder The Lives of Early Christian Women AnneMarie Luijendijk What Will Happen to Her Next? Barbara N. Nagel Everyday Enchantment: Blurring the Boundary Between the Arts and Life Barbara White Representation in Documentary Filmmaking Bent-Jorgen Perlmutt Behind the Scenes: Inside the Princeton University Art Museum Caroline I. Harris The Wildlife Trade Christian Rivera Unmaking Nation Making Christine Soo-Young Kim Music, Memory, and the Holocaust Christopher Hailey Happiness & Being Human in Catholic Thought Christopher Marcus Gibson Big Bang Cosmology for Beginners Christopher Tully Visualizing Nature: Techniques in Field Biology Craig Marshall At the Mind's Limits: The Holocaust in History, Theory, and Literature Daniel Hoffman-Schwartz American and Russian Science Fiction: Story-Worlds in Dialogue Elena Fratto National Science Policy: A Crash Course in Making Change Gregory Jaczko Design and Craft: The Building and Ecology of the Ise Shrines Guy Nordenson Princeton and the Dawn of the Information Age H. Vincent Poor The Coming of Driverless Cars Helen Gu A Perfect Cup of Coffee Howard Stone, Janine K. Nunes Women in Literature: Outlaw(ed) Women in Fiction and Prose Ijeoma Odoh Ethics in Finance Jean-Christophe de Swaan Performance and Analog Photography Jennifer Calivas Reading Film: The Eternal City on the Big & Small Screen Johanna Rossi Wagner The Piano Juri Seo Poetry Makes History, History Makes Poetry: Reading and Writing Documentary Poems Kathleen Ossip Endings, Before and After Leslie J. Rowley "Once upon a time . . ." Magic Tales and their Meanings Margaret H. Beissinger Mother Tongues Mariana Bono People and Pets Nate Otjen Freshman Seminar in Environmental and Climate Justice Nathan Jessee Body Builders: Living Systems as Art Media Penelope Georges Reenacting the Scientific Revolution: RPGs in the Ancient and Early Modern Worlds Peter Kelly End Times: Apocalyptic Visions, Ancient and Modern Ra'anan S. Boustan True Crime in American Culture Rhae Lynn Barnes Diplomatic Encounters; Or, So You Want To Be a Diplomat Robert Hutchings Sizing Up The Universe Robert J. Vanderbei Rembrandt Ronni Baer The Arthurian Legend in Literature and Film Sara S. Poor How People Change: The Short Story and Life’s Transitions Sheila Kohler The Collapse of Civilization Shilo Brooks Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Wisdom of Crowds Susanna Moore Saving Seeds Tessa L. Desmond Respuesta Teatral: Social & Political Performance Inspirations from Latin America Vivia Font Decomposing the Science of Composting: How To Turn Waste into Resource Xinning Zhang The Worlds of Storytelling: Digital, Textual, Cinematic Yuri Leving Spring
course title instructor Is Politics a Performance? Aaron Landsman Exploring the Graphic Novel Alfred Bendixen Get Your Kicks Andrew C. Buher Unbeaten Paths: Crosslinking Majors and the Arts, Revitalizing a Renaissance View Anne Eder The Lives of Early Christian Women AnneMarie Luijendijk What Will Happen to Her Next? Barbara N. Nagel Everyday Enchantment: Blurring the Boundary Between the Arts and Life Barbara White Representation in Documentary Filmmaking Bent-Jorgen Perlmutt Behind the Scenes: Inside the Princeton University Art Museum Caroline I. Harris The Wildlife Trade Christian Rivera Unmaking Nation Making Christine Soo-Young Kim Music, Memory, and the Holocaust Christopher Hailey Happiness & Being Human in Catholic Thought Christopher Marcus Gibson Big Bang Cosmology for Beginners Christopher Tully Visualizing Nature: Techniques in Field Biology Craig Marshall At the Mind's Limits: The Holocaust in History, Theory, and Literature Daniel Hoffman-Schwartz American and Russian Science Fiction: Story-Worlds in Dialogue Elena Fratto National Science Policy: A Crash Course in Making Change Gregory Jaczko Design and Craft: The Building and Ecology of the Ise Shrines Guy Nordenson Princeton and the Dawn of the Information Age H. Vincent Poor The Coming of Driverless Cars Helen Gu A Perfect Cup of Coffee Howard Stone, Janine K. Nunes Women in Literature: Outlaw(ed) Women in Fiction and Prose Ijeoma Odoh Ethics in Finance Jean-Christophe de Swaan Performance and Analog Photography Jennifer Calivas Reading Film: The Eternal City on the Big & Small Screen Johanna Rossi Wagner The Piano Juri Seo Poetry Makes History, History Makes Poetry: Reading and Writing Documentary Poems Kathleen Ossip Endings, Before and After Leslie J. Rowley "Once upon a time . . ." Magic Tales and their Meanings Margaret H. Beissinger Mother Tongues Mariana Bono People and Pets Nate Otjen Freshman Seminar in Environmental and Climate Justice Nathan Jessee Body Builders: Living Systems as Art Media Penelope Georges Reenacting the Scientific Revolution: RPGs in the Ancient and Early Modern Worlds Peter Kelly End Times: Apocalyptic Visions, Ancient and Modern Ra'anan S. Boustan True Crime in American Culture Rhae Lynn Barnes Diplomatic Encounters; Or, So You Want To Be a Diplomat Robert Hutchings Sizing Up The Universe Robert J. Vanderbei Rembrandt Ronni Baer The Arthurian Legend in Literature and Film Sara S. Poor How People Change: The Short Story and Life’s Transitions Sheila Kohler The Collapse of Civilization Shilo Brooks Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Wisdom of Crowds Susanna Moore Saving Seeds Tessa L. Desmond Respuesta Teatral: Social & Political Performance Inspirations from Latin America Vivia Font Decomposing the Science of Composting: How To Turn Waste into Resource Xinning Zhang The Worlds of Storytelling: Digital, Textual, Cinematic Yuri Leving