Propose a Seminar

Thank you for considering teaching a Freshman Seminar!

Each year in December the Freshman Seminars Program solicits proposals for the following year's courses. Proposals are typically due to the Program office in early spring.  The Program welcomes proposals from Princeton faculty members in any University division.

To begin your proposal application, please click HERE.

Your application will require the following elements:

  1. a proposed course title
  2. an indication of the primary (and, potentially, secondary) general education designation your course will fulfill
  3. the term you prefer to teach
  4. a description of your course for our webpages (400-word limit)
  5. an abbreviated description of your course for the Registrar's listings (650-character limit, including spaces)
  6. a breakdown of required coursework, with their comparative weight in determining the final grade
    • NB. All courses must require a final assignment.
    • NB. No single course component can count for more than 50% of the final grade.
    • NB. Class participation should count for no more than 30% of the final grade.
    • NB. If a portion of the coursework is designated as "other," please include text that explains the nature of that work.
  7. a sample reading list
  8. a preliminary syllabus (please refer to Fall 2024 Undergraduate Course Syllabus Template)
    • that divides the semester into twelve teaching weeks
    • that designates those weeks by dates that comply with Princeton's current academic calendar
    • that includes clear references to the coursework discussed above
  9. a brief discussion of any potential course enhancements that might require program funding or logistical support

Some faculty may wish to design a course as part of the Freshman Seminars in Service and Civic Engagement series.  These seminars include a significant experiential service or civic engagement component that will complement and enhance the classroom experience.  The component can take many forms.  It may involve a research project, a documentary project, or an ongoing collaboration with local community organizations, to name just a few examples.  Tara D. Carr-Lemke , the Associate Director of the Program for Community-Engaged Scholarship, will be available to advise interested faculty as they develop the service or civic engagement component.